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'Pod Save' Bros Flaunt Wealth, Bust Unions, Sleep With Subordinates: Bombshell Report


Pod Save America? More like Pod Damn America.

That's right, the former Obama bros who started a podcasting empire have finally been exposed by their employees for flaunting their wealth, sleeping with subordinates, and flouting their progressive ideals like total hypocrites.

Bloomberg reports that Pod Save America founders Jon Lovett, Jon Favreau, Tommy Vietor, and Dan Pfeiffer have created a work environment that many of their young staffers find toxic and stifling. One-third of the employees at Crooked Media, the liberal entertainment conglomerate, have left since January 2023.

The report documents a growing rift within the Democratic Party. On one side you have the Pod Bros and other establishment elites who just want to make money and win elections. On the other side you have the young ideologues who hate Israel and are constantly complaining about not being promoted after six months or because their employers don't share their increasingly radical worldview. Both sides are very annoying.

Earlier this week, the Writers Guild of America East filed an unfair labor practice charge against Crooked Media in the latest example of an ostensibly pro-union organization neglecting to practice what it preaches. "It's a shame when a progressive company like Crooked Media fails to live up to its own values and attempts to union-bust," said Writers Guild president Lisa Takeuchi Cullen. "The Guild fully expects Crooked Media to stop playing politics with its workers' livelihoods and settle this first contract without delay."

Disillusioned young staffers aren't just concerned about the union-busting, according to Bloomberg. They've also complained about working long hours and the lack of promotions. They took notice when one of their colleagues rose rapidly through the ranks while bragging about his "friendship" with Lovett. Earlier this year, Lovett and the fast-rising employee informed human resources they were in a relationship. (We were saddened to learn that Lovett is no longer dating celebrity journalist Ronan Farrow.)

Crooked Media employees are similarly outraged by the founders' ostentatious displays of wealth. Favreau recently paid $10 million for an 11,000-square-foot mansion in Los Angeles and routinely posts photos of himself cavorting with celebs and other rich libs. The bros are reportedly swimming in cash, thanks to a $150 million ad partnership with Sirius and an investment deal with billionaire George Soros. Bloomberg reports that many staffers have come to resent the founders for "talking like progressives but enjoying the wealth of the privileged class." In May, Lovett took a month off from work to appear on the CBS reality show Survivor. "It was glorious," he told Stephen Colbert upon his return.

The Pod Bros deserve at least some sympathy for having to put up with petulant employees who keep pressing them to do more to support the terrorist group Hamas in its war against Israel. Staffers reportedly bombard internal Slack channels with pro-Hamas news coverage and wear keffiyehs to the office to make a statement. Company leaders wish they'd just shut up and focus on helping Democrats win elections. One producer recently quit "rather than endure the highly-charged workplace culture" after he was accused, and subsequently cleared by human resources, of using an anti-terrorism slur.

Keep up the great work, guys!

READ MORE: Former Employees Slap The Left's Favorite Dark Money Group With Racial Discrimination Lawsuits

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