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Titan Quest 2 sure looks like that brighter, breezier action-RPG you Diablo 4 haters were gunning for


Titan Quest 2! Now there's a name you can set your watch by. No colons, no bespoke jargon, no tortuous subtitles like "Gaia's B.O.U.N.T.Y." or "Hyperion's Wild Rumpus" - just the steadying prospect of a titanic quest that, who knows, may involve actual titans. The action-RPG beneath the moniker appears similarly straightforward: it's about following a plot thread through a mythological world in top-down view, smashing Ancient Greek giga-crabs and the like to obtain shinier, pointier varieties of gear. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that there's an endgame in which you farm monsters for crafting materials.

Like Pandora opening her box, but without the accompanying tidal wave of sickness, curses and death, THQ Nordic have released a new trailer that talks you though all of this in detail. Here it is...

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