News in English

8. Recognition of Child Abuse Indicators

An indicator is an alert or warning that you need to give more attention to a situation. Indicators of abuse can be obvious: for example, a child with the mark of a belt showing on his or her back or burns in the shape of an iron or cigarette tip gives clear support for reasonable cause to suspect child abuse. Often, however, your suspicion will rest on less obvious physical or behavioral indicators.Indicators must always be considered within the context of how a child behaves, how he or she looks, what you know about the child, and the child’s family situation and history. Children do not react the same way to similar circumstances and many abused children may not show any of the indications discussed below. Nevertheless, learning to recognize high-risk situations and the signs and symptoms of abuse is an important skill for a mandated reporter. Indicators can alert you to physical, sexual, and mental abuse or neglect.Indicators of Physical AbuseIndicators of physical abuse do not, in...