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Iranian police deport Afghan researcher Kobra Ghulami over Hijab dispute

Photo?Last winter, Ms. Gholami criticized the Islamic Republic’s treatment of migrant women during a panel titled ‘Afghan Migrant Women in the Cycle of Oppression.

Iranian police have summoned and subsequently deported Kobra Gholami, an Afghan social researcher, for not adhering to the Islamic Republic’s dress code.

On August 2, Gholami was summoned to the passport office after receiving multiple warnings about her hijab. She was detained by police and deported to Afghanistan within hours, without the chance to contact her family.

Despite having legal residency documents, her deportation was reportedly without legal justification.

Social media users and friends have expressed concern about her fate, launching a campaign with the hashtag “#BringKobraBack” to advocate for her return to Iran.

Iranian social media user, Shima Vaezi, posted on X, stating that Gholami was on a bus, unable to say goodbye or contact her loved ones. Vaezi highlighted that Gholami had valid residency documents and was pursuing a master’s degree at Alzahra University.

Last year, Gholami spoke at the 6th Social-Cultural Research Conference in Iran on “Femininity and Social-Cultural Transformation,” criticizing the treatment of Afghan migrant women in Iran.

The plight of Afghan migrants, especially women, in neighboring countries like Pakistan and Iran continues to worsen amid rising restrictions and economic hardships. Many face severe difficulties, including inadequate access to basic needs and lack of legal protection.

Afghan women migrants are particularly vulnerable, facing exploitation and discrimination while struggling to secure their livelihoods. International organizations and refugee agencies have been criticized for insufficient protection and support for these individuals.

Despite the pressing humanitarian crisis, international responses have often been inadequate, leaving Afghan refugees, particularly women, at risk and without adequate resources or protection.

The global community is urged to address these issues with greater urgency, ensuring that Afghan migrants receive the necessary support and protection to overcome their challenges and secure their basic rights.

The post Iranian police deport Afghan researcher Kobra Ghulami over Hijab dispute appeared first on Khaama Press.