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A Lesson from the French Popular Front for Left Presidential Candidates in the US


Photograph Source: Paul Sableman – CC BY 2.0

My perspective is informed by this strategic analysis from Jerry Harris, the scholar of transnational capital:

“The neo-fascist bloc seeks stability through repression, and creating a mass base through religious fundamentalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy. The neo-Keynesian bloc seeks stability and renewed political legitimacy through neo-Keynesian reformism, and economic expansion through the green modernization of the means of production. Both still pursue imperialism and maintaining military dominance… The current splits may be beneficial to the Left in forming a common project to defend and expand democracy and protect civil society. That would entail aiming our main blow against the neo-fascist bloc, building the socialist core, working closely with progressives, and pushing the center to the left.”

So I repeat what others who have already argued, we should emulate what the French Left as the Popular Front (PF) prioritized in the second round of their election, the defeat of the far right ( In the second round of voting the Popular Front (PF) withdrew its candidates who came in third in the first round so the far right could be denied its majority in Parliament and the right to form a government. They not only succeeded but came in first in the number of MPs elected, with the far right coming in third. The unity forged in the creation of the PF may break apart, repeating what happened in the aftermath of the 2022 legislative election when a similar electoral front was formed. A coalition of the center/left may form a new French government and this defeat of the far right may be temporary.  Nevertheless, the PF tactics to defeat the far right are important to consider in implementing a winning strategy regarding the threat of a Trump/Republican victory in this year’s U.S. election. We should also take serious note of the example of Melenchon leadership of La France Insoumise, particularly his support by immigrants and the youth, because his party stands for an ecosocialist future.   

So I focus on the role of the U.S. left, in particular on what we should urge Jill Stein (the presumed Green Party Presidential candidate) and Cornel West (the Justice for All candidate for President) to do to help defeat Trump and Republicans, critically in the swing states. On July 16, 2024, Jill Stein sent a message to her supporters, “We are not resigned to another Trump win”.  We welcome this message, but what is her strategy to prevent it?  Telling people to vote for her in swing states instead of Kamala Harris which has been the case up to now? I can’t believe that she is that delusional expecting to win this election, nor that she is indifferent to the election outcome. So is her intention to put pressure on the Democratic Party to abandon its support for Israel, so that Trump is defeated by a shift of votes to the Democratic nominee ?  I recognize that this struggle regarding Israel must continue and be ongoing, following Rep. Tliab advice, but I submit that the existential threat of a Trump victory should be the prime consideration. 

So  let’s follow the French example, defeat the neofascist Trump/Republicans, thereby open a path forward for the Green Left in the United States. The unity forged in the creation of the PF should be emulated in the U.S. In particular, the Green Party of the United States, the biggest left electoral apparatus, should welcome collaboration with the progressive Democrats in Congress and on a local level, rather than all too commonly dismissing these progressives as impotent challengers and even enablers of the imperialist leadership.  Of course the U.S. Left is far smaller than the French, but our Electoral College potentially gives the Green Party an opportunity to not only influence the outcome of the 2024 election but strengthen the left in the United States for ongoing critical challenges such as climate and international conflicts.  

Right now, Jill Stein of the Green Party has ballot status in 19 states (including four swing states (Arizona, North Carolina, Michigan and Wisconsin) while Cornel West has 5 states with no swing states ( Jill Stein and Cornel West should use their campaigns to  share the consequences of this election, boosting their vote in strongly red and blue states, while contributing to the defeat of Trump in swing states.  And here is the speech Jill Stein should give if she wants to maximize her vote and strengthen the Green Party, while contributing to the defeat of Trump/Republicans before it is too late:

“I am challenging the duopoly most of all for their war policies and in particular for their support for Israel’s genocidal war on the Palestinian people. I hope to get on many if not most of the ballots of the 50 states and DC (which should achieve statehood if the Democrats win) so this message can be heard across the nation. The stakes in this election are very high. Thankfully Genocide Joe Biden has now withdrawn from the race, and his replacement Kamala Harris will be pushed to be less identified with Biden’s support for Israel’s genocidal war on the Palestinian people. We will continue to press for real action, namely support for a permanent ceasefire and an immediate end to U.S. military aid to Israel.  Trump is the leader of the Republican neofascist cult party standing for climate denialism and white supremacy.  As radical educator Paulo Freire wrote, “what can we do now in order to be able to do tomorrow what we are unable to do today.” What we can do now is to organize for the defeat of Trump/Republicans so we can defeat the pro-war imperialist agenda of the Democratic Party leadership tomorrow while we continue to vigorously challenge it now, building the movement for tomorrow’s victory. .

We should all hold the Biden administration accountable as an accomplice in this genocide. But an even worse alternative to the Democratic Party is Trump/Republican Party considering the fact that the Democratic Party has significant and growing opposition to Biden’s support for Israel unlike the Republican Party which calls for even worse repression of U.S. opposition to this war in their strong support for the Israeli regime now as before in Trump’s administration.   And as far as domestic issues of consequence to working class folk I recognize that the Democratic Party is much better than the Republicans, that is why the UAW which supports a ceasefire had endorsed Biden and very likely will endorse Kamala Harris.  I will continue to critique the problematic climate/energy agenda of the Biden administration pointing to both its positive and negative components driven by the fossil  fuel lobby. But please take note that if elected Trump “Drill Baby Drill”/Republican Party will follow Plan 2025 (Heritage Foundation) eliminating any legal constraints on environmental/climate damage, while plunging the world in the near future into climate catastrophes much far worse than we now witness. 

If you want to join me and the Green Party in defeating the neoliberal imperialist agenda of the Democratic Party leadership I urge you consider strategic voting, boost my vote to 5% of the national total by choosing me in strongly red and blue states, and defeat Trump in the swing states, YES consider voting to defeat Trump in these states so you will have the opportunity to defeat the Democratic Party’s  imperialist foreign policy by continuing to organize after the election for better future for all of humanity. If Trump/Republicans win this election reaching this goal will be much harder to achieve. Of course every voter’s choice deserves respect, but please consider its consequences for not only our nation but the whole planet before you cast your vote. Please seriously consider the future of all the world’s children.” 

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