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Drivers face permanently high petrol prices if Chancellor raises fuel duty in next Budget, warns the AA


DRIVERS face permanently high petrol prices if the Chancellor raises fuel duty in the Budget, the AA warns.

Rocketing oil costs, greedy retailers and a weak pound have already made life a nightmare for motorists, the organisation claimed.

Drivers face permanently high petrol prices if fuel duty is raised in the Budget, the AA warns[/caption]

The Sun’s Keep It Down campaign secured a 12-month extension to the temporary 5p fuel duty cut in March.

But AA spokesman Luke Bosdet said: “The 5p-a-litre fuel duty cut has been the only bit of good news in a bleak three years of ‘perma-high’ pump prices.

“Overall, the AA is concerned that current high prices could be made significantly worse with any hike in fuel duty in October.

“However, the Budget on 30 October could be pivotal.

“That would hit drivers and businesses hard.”

A Treasury spokesperson said: “Following the spending audit, the Chancellor has been clear that difficult decisions lie ahead on spending, welfare and tax to fix the foundations of our economy and address the £22bn hole in the public finances left by the last government.

“Decisions on how to do that will be taken at the Budget in the round.”

The Sun’s Keep it Down campaign