You can use Baldur's Gate 3 characters in new D&D virtual tabletop to continue the party's story - Gamesradar
- You can use Baldur's Gate 3 characters in new D&D virtual tabletop to continue the party's story Gamesradar
- D&D's upcoming VTT, codenamed Project Sigil, will come with Baldur's Gate 3 minis—further cementing WoTC's plans to franchise the heck out of it PC Gamer
- "BG3 Lives On" D&D Reveals New Way To Play As Your Favorite BG3 Characters For Free Screen Rant
- Dungeons and Dragons Reveals Information About New Books, Virtual Tabletop, and More GameRant
- D&D Beyond Accounts for Over Half of 2024 Core Rulebook Pre-Orders