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Fox's Baier: Trump 'Went Into The Lion's Den'


Watch Fox go into full blown damage control mode following Trump's dumpster fire of an appearance before the National Association of Black Journalists. A lot of people were rightfully angry that the organization invited him there in the first place, and despite the lack of fact-checking, the interview was a disaster, and just gave the Harris campaign a ton of material to attack Trump with, but here's how Fox's Bret Baier tried to spin it immediately after it ended on John Roberts' and Sandra Smith's show..

BAIER: Listen there's a couple of things there's a couple of things here obviously he went into the proverbial lion's den with some of those questions and this is what the former president does. He does go to areas that that sometimes he faces harsh questioning.

You know I had a harsh at times tough interview with him, asking tough but fair questions and I think some of those questions obviously very fair, down the middle. Others had a different tone to them and he reacted how he thought the tone was coming at him.

I thought it was interesting that he kept on complaining about the the audio and the equipment and the delay for 35 minutes, so that added to the kind of tension in the moment.

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