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Millions of Jews Agree With Trump’s Criticisms of the ‘Crappy’ Ones


The day I knew the media would stop at nothing to destroy Donald Trump was back in 2016 or so when they declared he is a Neo-Nazi anti-Semite. He sent out a thing showing Hillary with a sheriff’s badge, and they said the six-pointed badge was a Jewish star of David. Then CNN and the New York Times dug up some New Jersey LGB activist (the years before “T,” “Q,” and “+” were added), who briefly was spokesman for some extreme-left group with “Anne Frank” in its name, and he did the media circuit declaring that the Trump administration was “infected” with anti-Semitism.

I sat there, watching and reading this garbage, and knew right then that Trump would be in for a tsunami of hateful fake news the next eight years. Remember: Jews are the canary in the coal mine. For more than a century, coal miners have been putting a respective canary in their respective mines because most humans cannot detect, until too late, when the mine fills with deadly carbon monoxide. So the canary is there as a life saver. If it is talking, they are fine. If it suddenly dies, they realize the mine is filling with carbon monoxide, and they get out. The canary, not volunteering to do so, gives its life to save theirs.

So it is with Jews. Jews do not volunteer for that role, but that role often volunteers Jews. When a stable society starts going after Jews, 100 out of 100 times it will not stop with Jews. Some will feel bad for the beaten or dead Jews, but they will not realize that they are next. It’s been going on for 3,000 years. To keep this to a shorter version: The tsars went after Jews with pogroms. In time, all the non-Jewish Russians got buried under tsarist oppression. The Communists came in and went after the Jews, closing all synagogues and yeshiva schools, and arresting and executing rabbis and others. Eventually, Stalin was murdering everyone. Hitler went after Jews, and no one did a damn thing to stop him. In the end, 40–50 million died. Arabs started hijacking Israeli planes, and others felt bad for the poor Jews. Now everyone is stuck with metal detectors. When it happens to Jews, know with certainty that it soon is coming to a theater near you.

So I knew he was in for a tough ride when the Anne Frank garbage started. All the years of NBC adulation for The Apprentice, the gratitude of New York City for that ice skating rink, the admiration over all those hotels, casinos, and golf courses were over. Jews were the canaries.

I am national vice president of an organization of 2,500 Orthodox rabbis. We lead a flock of more than a million Jews. No group ever can claim 100 percent same-thinking membership except in elections in Putin’s Russia and in the Ayatollahs’ Iran. But we million represent the strongest, largest, most cohesive body of Trump supporters — and conservative Republicans, in general — in America. No one gets more frustrated than we when we see a Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Ben & Jerry, George Soros, and Doug Emhoff characterize themselves as Jews. To coin a phrase: “Not In Our Name.” Those characters do not observe the Jewish Sabbath according to its laws. They do not eat kosher. They are proud of children who marry homosexuals or lesbians (Schumer) or anti-Israel Arab Muslims (Soros) or, simply, non-Jews who would pressure the hell out of Israel while their children raise money for “Palestinians”(Emhoff).

Trump does not reject a characterization by a proud Jewish radio interviewer who calls Jews like Doug Emhoff  “crappy Jews”? We rabbis, because we do not use adjectives like that when describing Jews, do not say it that way. So all we can say is: Amen. Amen. Amen.

I have written a million articles and have delivered hundreds of speeches over the years discussing the phenomenon of the Jewish suicide liberal. I will keep it short here. You can google for the longer versions.

  1. More than 90 percent of all Jews in America trace their arrival here to grandparents and great-grandparents who arrived between 1881 (when Tsar Alexander II was assassinated) and 1914 (when America closed the gates to all immigration, fearing a Communist invasion amid the Russian Revolution and the outbreak of World War I).
  1. Republicans of that era discriminated brutally against those Jews, albeit in a subtle, gentlemanly way. They barred Jews from hotels and country clubs. They imposed quotas barring Jews from colleges and grad schools. Jews who were among the few who did get in and earn advanced degrees could not get jobs in their fields of study. Jews who graduated medical school could not get admittance privileges in hospitals. Jews who graduated law school could not get into law firms. We were treated like blacks and could not even rent homes in many parts of the country. The only difference between us and blacks is that blacks could not tolerate it and got angry and have remained angry and expect reparations and affirmative action and DEI. By contrast, Jews — after 3,000 years of this — expected it. We were just thankful we could worship openly, slaughter kosher meat, and circumcise our newborn boys without pogroms.
  1. Instead of reacting with anger, keeping score, and expecting recompense, we dealt with it in our way. We laughed and joked about it. They say we have big noses (unlike, say, Richard Nixon, Arabs, and Persians)? Or that we are cheap (unlike the non-Jews who wake up at 3 in the morning to get in line for a Black Friday sale or who wait to buy at Columbus Day, Presidents Day, and July sales events)? Okay, we have jokes about that. And we did what we always do: If the Other will not give us a fair chance, we will do an end run within the law: We will get so educated that they cannot afford to keep us out. We will start our own law firms and build our own hospitals. We will build our own hotels and country clubs, and we will start our own industries. As blue jeans got big, Levi and Calvin Klein and Ralph Lifshitz (changed to Lauren) and Sergio Valente (i.e., Eli Kaplan) raced in. Upgraded, premium ice cream? Burt Baskin, Irv Robbins, Ben Cohen, Jerry Siegel, Ruby and Rose Mattus (Haagen-Dazs) jumped in. My uncles started a florist business; soon, it grew to employ several in the large family.
  1. While the white-shoe Republicans were rejecting and mocking us, the wily Democrats were playing the ethnic card as they do now with blacks, Hispanics, and whoever else they can DEI. In those days, they played the Irish, Italians, Germans, Poles, and Jews. They welcomed us and gave us jobs. They even recruited us to run for office on their tickets. So the immigrants of 1881–1914 went Democrat. It is just like the Dixie South, who went Democrat for other reasons. What else would make sense?
  1. Once a population group adheres to a party, it sticks with the party for over a century like barnacles — long after the party reverses policies with the other party. It makes no sense, but these are proven facts. The White Christian conservative church-goers of the South, who attached to the Democrats during the slavery years in 1860, still were voting only Democrat 120 years later, until Reagan ran against Carter in 1980. I have listed in past articles the remarkable record that seven different Bible Belt White Christian southern states of Dixie still were electing only left-wing Democrats for governor and their respective two U.S. senate seats for 120 years, sticking the Reagan they loved with a Democrat Congress.
  1. Jewish voting patterns are exactly the same as everyone else. Jews arrived later, so are changing later, beginning with the Orthodox. People take time to switch. Jews personally knew their Democrat council member, mayor, governor, or U.S. senator. He ate at their homes, kissed their babies, attended their banquets. The Republicans were AWOL. Habits die hard. Look at the White Bible Belt Southern Christians from 1860 to 1980.
  1. We now live in an era of devout Catholics and fallen Catholics. We million-plus Jews of faith and religious devotion to G-d are amazed when people point to Soros, Schumer, and that garbage alone. We don’t say it out loud — because we are polite and not in the mood for a pogrom here right now — but I don’t care, so I’ll say it: All the LGBTQ garbage and “gay marriage” and despicable Drag Queen mockeries of The Last Supper and perversion of public schooling of children and abortion-on-demand, even in the ninth month and even after birth, happened because a Catholic president, Joe Biden, and Catholic speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and a whole litany of Catholics led the charge to immorality. And, before Protestants say, “Yeah, it was the Catholics,” the Clintons are Protestant, and likewise were Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Virginia former Gov. Ralph Northam, and Obama (whatever the heck he is). So we Jews of faith and devotion wonder: If the Vatican bans homosexuality and “gay marriage,” and abortion, all immorality, then what’s with the most powerful Catholics in this country? One after another: Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, John Kerry, Sen. Tim Kaine, Robert O’Rourke, the Castro Brothers, Xavier Becerra, Sen. Dick Durbin, the Kennedy family of Massachusetts, Sen. Patty Murray, Sen. Ed Markey, Sen. Jack Reed, former Sen. Bob Menendez, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, dozens of pro-abortion House members like Ted Lieu of California, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, and just so many others are among American leftist celebrities, entertainers, and media personalities.
  1. Devout Catholics, Protestants, and Jews of faith and Biblical adherence all share the identical pain, wanting to shout to the Heavens: “NOT IN OUR NAME!” But we cannot get recognized for our love of G-d and commitment to morality and decency because the media wing of the Democrat Party shut us out. Non-observant Jews vote in almost the same percentages as do non-devout Catholics. The media does not know how to count and survey Jewish voters. Seriously — How do the pollsters determine the person they are surveying is a Jew? Paul Newman? No. The daughter of Kamala Harris’s husband? No. Joy Behar? No. The Three Stooges? Yes! (nyuck, nyuck, nyuck). Do pollsters require the guy to present his circumcision? Do you know how to tell a Jew from a non-Jew? (Not a joke; no punchline.) They ask, and the leftist says “I’m Jewish.” But if his mother is not Jewish, then he is one of yoursnot one of ours. For 3,300 years, that has been the only recognized definition of a Jew. At least half of the people who affiliate with “Reform Judaism” are intermarried with non-Jewish offspring. Even many of their rabbis are not. Gallup, Reuters/Ipsos, NYT/Siena, Quinnipiac, and Rasmussen do not get to determine who is Jewish. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel gets to determine.
  1. Many Jews are so freaked out by double standards that exist that they determine the best way to avoid discrimination is by overtly projecting themselves as “not one of them.” But how can they do that when everyone knows they are one of them? They say, “I may be Jewish, but I am anti-Zionist.” That’s what it was in the 1950s. But the Arabs and real Jew-haters have co-opted the “anti-Zionist” badge. So the Schumers and Ben & Jerry types now say “I hate Netanyahu. Now can I be your majority leader and join your club? I even vote Democrat! See? My concern is not Israel but plastic straws.” The Democrats of Elizabeth Warren, Chris Van Hollen, Nancy Pelosi, and The Squad may abandon Schumer for left-wing Catholic Dick Durbin if that Jew backs Israel too strongly. So Schumer and Jerrold Nadler, who fears being primaried out by an Ocasio lieutenant, grasp onto power by saying the Israelis should overthrow democratically elected Netanyahu, and then Schumer grills cheese on a raw burger. The others are the same: the Spielbergs, the Streisands, the whole bunch of them, are terrified of being blacklisted. So they are silent over the campus riots or, instead, belch that they “oppose anti-Semitism — and Islamophobia.” Get it? That way they are allowed to remain in Hollywood.
  1. President Trump is 100 percent correct when he says that a Jewish voter who now votes blindly Democrat, just by course of habit and not by virtue of carefully comparing the Trump record with the Obama and Biden records, needs to have his head examined. He is right. When he says that Kamala Harris is anti-Jewish, he is right. When they come back and say, “But she is married to a Jew,” and he retorts that Emhoff is a “crappy Jew,” he is absolutely right. Amen. When he says, of American Jews who vote for Democrats who hurt Israel, that “they are disloyal to Israel,” he is right. The left-wing media race to quote left-wing Jews who call that “anti-Semitic.” They never quote the 40 percent-and-growing population of Jews — Torah-observant, American-patriotic — who respond “Amen!” The scared and fearful assimilating knee-jerk woke Jews go into conniptions: “Oh no, the neo-Nazis will say we are not loyal to America. Trump is ruining us.” Fools. The Neo-Nazis say it anyway. We are blessed in America that, while our allegiance is only to America, we also can be loyal to our heritage. Of course American Jews are connected to the Land of our Patrarchs and Matriarchs. Non-Jews don’t need Trump to know that. Of course Trump is right. What is so great about him is that he bypasses political correctness and says what is. When he says people like Soros and Bernie Sanders hate their religion, of course that is true!

Anti-Semitic? Watch this Mark Levin clip, where he reads from an American Spectator article by this writer.

Ninety percent of Orthodox Jews know that Trump gets us, and we get him. It took 120 years for the White Protestant Christians of the Deep South to move to the GOP. If you saw the RNC, the Jewish transition is in progress. Millions of Jews agree with Trump’s criticisms of the “crappy” ones. Amen.

Subscribe to Rav Fischer’s YouTube channel here at  and follow him on X (Twitter) at @DovFischerRabbi to find his latest informative and inspiring classes, interviews, speeches, and observations.


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The post Millions of Jews Agree With Trump’s Criticisms of the ‘Crappy’ Ones appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.