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Vance Is Right. Our Society Is Plagued by Childless Cat Ladies.


When you hear the phrase “childless cat ladies,” you know exactly what I’m talking about.

They’re the kind of women who were not only members of a sorority in college, but who also played up the drama and backbiting in the sorority game. Since they enjoy drama, they’re into politics now. They drink too much wine, laugh intensely and insincerely, and have a high-pitched nasally voice that grates the nerves.

Oh, and they probably own a cat. If they own a dog, it has its strollers, bibs, outfits, and a pampered life. Cats don’t put up with that kind of nonsense.

When JD Vance complained about the role these childless cat ladies play in our national government on a Fox News segment in 2021, few people really batted an eye. Vance wasn’t in the U.S. Senate yet, and it hadn’t even entered the imagination that he could be tapped as Donald Trump’s running mate.

So, what did he say? He said the country was run by “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”

Three years later, these childless cat ladies let us know in childless-cat-lady style that they are not only offended but that they’ve also been holding on to this grudge for the last three years. Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska huffed that the statement was “offensive to many women.” She’s not the only one. Women wrote to the New York Times with their criticisms. One intentionally misunderstood the statement (she had three cats and struggled with infertility); another complained that Vance was saying women who choose not to have kids are not “legitimate members of society.”

First, Vance was barely on the political stage when he made the comment. That doesn’t mean he didn’t mean what he said when he said it, but it does mean that we can forgive him for comments that aren’t exactly politically savvy.

Second, Vance is right. But he’s not talking about the neighborhood grandmas who never met the right man, own three fluffy cats, and give every kid under the age of 50 chocolate chip cookies at every opportunity. He’s talking about the embittered women infected by feminism who have turned their intuitive gifts to vicious ends. Many of them do have children, and some of them don’t have cats, but they have wholeheartedly adopted an attitude that prefers cats to kids.

Don’t believe me? The Washington Post ran a cartoon called “Ex-childless Cat Ladies.” It featured women with their screaming, ill-behaved children navigating a grocery store and complaining about how “cats were cheaper.” Sure, it was drawn by a man, but it encapsulates the way these feminists look at women and motherhood perfectly.

It’s a problem Carrie Gress addressed in her book The Anti-Mary Exposed. You don’t have to have a Marian devotion to recognize that the denial of motherhood as fundamental to womanhood is harmful to women and to society.

We’ve spent the last 60 or so years spaying women. We’ve told our daughters to put away their dolls and put on little pink suit jackets and carry around bejeweled briefcases. “It’s empowering,” we promised them. When they grow up and can’t figure out how to fill the massive hole in their chest, we give them antidepressants. These girls turn into Vance’s “childless cat ladies.” They whine about victimhood, and the scary thing is that they’re not wrong. They’re the victims of a society that told them to pursue a career without worrying about putting diapers on a child.

One of those women writing to the New York Times asked Vance: “Are you saying I must be miserable because I chose not to have children?” The hard and unpleasant answer is yes — not because you chose not to have children, but because you chose not to be a mother.

The post Vance Is Right. Our Society Is Plagued by Childless Cat Ladies. appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.