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I only have one baby name in mind – people say it would be ‘obnoxious’ to use it and confusing for family


CHOOSING a name for your child is not an easy decision, or one to be taken lightly.

One expectant mother shared why her in laws may have an issue with the name she was considering.

An expectant mother revealed the issue she has with the baby name she’s chosen (stock image)[/caption]

Mumsnet users pointed out that the name is likely to cause confusion amongst family members (stock image)[/caption]

In a post on Mumsnet, one user revealed the dilemma she and her husband were in.

The poster explained that she has narrowed down the possibilites to one that she really liked.

However, there was a clear issue with the name the couple had settled on.

While they did not disclose the name itself, other Mumsnet users were quick to recommend she steer clear of her pick.

The soon-to-be mother explained that her gut was telling her to go with a particular name despite a clear problem.

“Having our first baby, I have only one name and it happens to be the same name as my husband’s brother’s child,” she explained.

The poster went on to explain that her partner and his brother were not that close.

She said that the two couples were not located near each other and rarely met up.

“We never see them, maybe once a year,” she told her fellow Mumsnet users.

She asked for advice on the issue, asking if it would be out of line to give her child the same name as its cousin.

Readers shared their thoughts on the dilemma in the comments section.

“No. Unless it’s a family name. Surely you can think of something else,” wrote one person.

“I personally wouldn’t. Or if you did, have a chat with your brother-in-law and sister-in-law first and check they are 100% OK with it,” suggested another commenter.

“No, definitely not. That’s a bit weird. There are plenty of other names. Plus, my aunty did this,” said a third Mumsnet user.

“God, no. That’s obnoxious. You really can choose another name,” commented another reader.

The struggle of choosing a baby name

CHLOE Morgan, a Senior Writer at Fabulous, has revealed her dilemma on choosing a baby name...

At 35 weeks pregnant, by far the trickiest part of pregnancy for me in the past few months (minus the insomnia and countless night-time wee breaks!) has been trying to decide on a baby name.
The dilemmas are endless…
My partner and I went for a private scan to find out the gender as early as we could – partly due to the fact we thought it would make baby naming so much easier because we’d only have to come up with a list of names for one gender rather than two.
How wrong we were…
I was absolutely thrilled to be told I was expecting the baby girl I’d already dreamed of, but being one of the last of my friends to fall pregnant, I’ve had countless conversations over the years with excited pals discussing their top baby names…something which I wish I could go back in time and un-hear.
With each friend mentioning at least 10 possible monikers, I can’t help but feel like several are now a no-go even though I know it’s something that none of them would mind in the slightest – it’s a total me problem!
The debate comes up time and time again on social media forums – can you choose the same name that was a ‘potential’ for a friend’s baby?
It’s a very divisive topic and opinions are always mixed…and I don’t want to be THAT person.
While some will argue there’s thousands of other names out there to choose from, others will say you need to choose YOUR favourite…after all, there’s no guarantee that person will even have another baby.
Then there’s also the issue of finding a name you adore…only to research it online and read one negative comment amongst hundreds of positives that you just can’t shake off.
I made that very mistake when I fell in love with a certain name (I won’t reveal it because I don’t want to ruin it for others!) …only to see someone point out that it constantly gets autocorrected on a phone to something rather rude instead. So, back to the drawing board we went..
Just five weeks to go and it looks like our little one is going to be known as ‘baby gal’ for a little while longer! 

Others pointed out how much confusion the situation will cause for extended family.

“No, I wouldn’t use it, it would mean their grandparents would have two grandchildren with the same name. Pick another name,” said one person.

“So your husband’s parents would have two grandchildren with the same name? That would be a bit strange for everyone,” wrote another reader.

“I wouldn’t, one of the woman at my work has two grandsons with the same name and she said she can’t understand why her daughter chose the same name as her sister,” shared one commenter.

“All the names out there and you only like one? Get yourself a book of baby names,” suggested another person.