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Biden Wasn’t Polling Well on Abortion, So Democrats Picked the Abortion Cheerleader


Democrats and media analysts alike are singing the praises of Vice President Kamala Harris after her first big week on the campaign trail as the defacto Presidential nominee for the Democrats.

Specifically, they’re quite pleased with her openness to talk about the issue that’s likely to define the 2024 election: abortion. However, with so many glowing reports, CNN reports   a rather stunning admission about Biden’s re-election chances:

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has been a much more comfortable and cogent messenger on the issue than President Joe Biden, who wasn’t winning nearly as much support in 2024 as he did in 2020 – or major Democratic candidates did in 2022 – among voters who support legal abortion, according to previously unpublished results from multiple public polls.”

Did you catch the surprise in that last sentence? Funny how the press never mentioned it before Harris took over – but the media has never been shy about putting their thumb on the scale of public opinion if it served their purposes. See how they treated Biden before he resigned.

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But the news that Biden was apparently polling poorly on abortion doesn’t necessarily speak to Harris’ ascension on the issue.

Students for Life Action (SFLAction) talked about Biden’s polling struggles in April: “President Joe Biden’s chances to win a second term are in free fall, if the polls are right. New reporting from NBC says that ‘just 25% of Republicans said there was a convincing reason to consider voting against Trump, compared to 42% of Democrats with Biden.’ And according to Gallup, Biden’s approval rates are the lowest on record for a President at this time of Presidency.”

Harris’ spike in popularity likely rests in several factors:

  1. She’s not Joe Biden – and the Democrats are reinvigorated by the fact that their new candidate for President is actually able to form coherent sentences.
  2. The new candidate honeymoon period – even Joe Biden had this at the start of his re-election campaign for President. And it might be ending for Harris already.
  3. Media perception – oftentimes, perception is reality, and the Democrats after the worst media month they’ve ever had, are glorying in the good feelings of the media’s honeymoon period with Harris. Puff pieces galore and fawning media hits can make any candidate look good.

The truth about Kamala Harris’ extremist views on everything from abortion to the border is bound to come out eventually – and when it does, we suspect that voters will do what they have done so far when facing the extreme and limitless abortion positions of the Democrat Party and Kamala Harris: walk away from the party.

LifeNews Note: Mattison brooks writes for Students for Life, where this column originally appeared.

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