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New Data Proves Biden Weaponized Justice System to Target Pro-Life Americans


There have been hundreds of pro-abortion attacks on churches, pro-life groups and pregnancy centers since Dobbs. However, a new report from The Daily Caller shows 97% of prosecutions from Biden-Harris have been targeted at pro-life Americans.

Last week, Biden put another pro-life American in prison for protesting abortion – this time putting a young mother in federal prison for more than three years for preaching outside an abortion center.

Bevelyn Beatty Williams, a 33-year-old mom of a 2-year-old daughter, received a sentence of three years and give months in prison.

Williams was charged with violating the FACE Act, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. Williams faces an additional charge of violating the FACE Act through force, which carries up to 10 years.

For the nearly three decades since FACE was enacted in 1994, it has rarely been used to prosecute life advocates. Yet in 2022 alone, under the Biden/Garland DOJ, there have been at least 22 peaceful pro-life activists indicted under the act — with the first case involving pro-life advocate Mark Houck, whose family was raided after an altercation at a Philadelphia abortion business last year where he accidentally pushed down a man who was verbally accosting his 12-year-old son.

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As The Daily Caller report shows, virtually all proscutions under the law have been of pro-life Americans even though there’s many, many times more cases of pro-abortion violence.

In the 30-year history of the Freedom of Access to Clinics (FACE) Act, the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) in just over three years has levied over a quarter of the law’s total charges, most of which have carried this novel sentence enhancement, the data also shows.

The data, along with the unprecedented enhancement, provide fuel to criticisms from conservatives that the Biden admin is unfairly targeting pro-lifers and using the DOJ for political ends.

In some instances under previous administrations, threatening to harm or kill a clinic employee carried less severe punishments. Under Biden’s, however, elderly women peacefully protesting an abortion clinic have faced much harsher consequences. After the Supreme Court’s Roe vs Wade decision leak in 2022, hundreds of attacks were waged against pro-life pregnancy centers and churches, but the DOJ has only prosecuted five individuals for such offenses.

From 1994 to 2024, there were 205 cases against pro-life activists and only six against abortion activists, data provided to the Caller by Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy’s office reveals. Prosecutions of pro-life individuals constitute roughly 97% of all FACE Act cases.

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