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STEM vs. STEAM: Balancing the Pros and Cons - Soundtrap

Music EducationFebruary 7, 2023In an increasingly tech-driven world, the importance of STEM education cannot be overstated. From grocery shopping to ordering food at a local restaurant, you may have noticed how significant a role automation, smart devices, and even AI play in everyday life. So, why is there a debate about STEM vs. STEAM?As our interconnected world becomes increasingly tech-savvy, following generations will need to maintain and evolve this technology. It’s one of the main reasons parents are pushing toward an increased emphasis on STEM education and building their children’s analytical and technical skills.However, the problem with the push towards STEM education is that the increased focus on analytical reasoning might leave students lacking in other areas of schooling primarily influenced by art and humanities. These areas include creative thinking, the development of humor, and even emotional regulation.Today, we’ll demonstrate how STEM and STEAM can work together to...