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Pay deal signed with construction industry


Trade union Sek said on Wednesday that an agreement had been reached on renewing collective labour agreements in the construction sector.

The new agreement significantly improves employment conditions for some 40,000 workers employed in the sector.

Immediately after the signing of the collective agreement, the general secretary of the Federation of Builders, Miners and Allied Trades, Stelios Tsiapoutis, said that this is only the beginning for the construction industry, adding that the main thing is the faithful implementation of what has been agreed.

Based on the plan, he said, with specific recommendations and measures, both the issue of wage discrepancy and undeclared and under-declared work will be controlled from September 2024 to September 2025.

For his part, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou thanked the social partners for their cooperation and the positive outcome.  

Among other things, the new agreement provides for the renewal of the collective agreement from 01/06/2022 to 31/12/2027. It also includes an increase of €7 per week from 01/01/2025, €7 per week from 01/01/2026 and €7 per week from 01/01/2027.