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Grifters Gonna Grift: Eric Trump Fires Back at Cousin Fred Trump III for Supporting Kamala Harris and Spreading Lies Against Donald Trump, All While Cashing In with a Controversial New Book

Fred C. Trump III (Credit: ABC News)

Fred Trump III has publicly turned his back on his family, endorsing Kamala Harris and launching a scathing attack against his uncle, former President Donald Trump.

This betrayal comes just months before the upcoming election, as Fred seeks to profit from his controversial new memoir, which he claims contains “never-before-told stories” about the Trump family.

Fred Trump III, the son of Fred Trump Jr. and nephew of Donald Trump, made headlines during an appearance on The View, where he said, “I believe in policy over politics, and without question, Kamala Harris’s policies are what I get behind.”

He went further, asserting that he would not only vote for Harris but would also campaign for her without hesitation.


On the same day, ABC’s Good Morning America aired their interview with Fred Trump. Fred Trump said that his uncle is “atomic crazy” and claimed to have witnessed him using racial slurs decades ago, when he was 10 years old.

“‘N—s,’ I recall him saying disgustedly. ‘Look what the n—s did,’” Fred reportedly quotes Donald Trump.

“And within every family — people know this — families are complicated. Every family has their crazy uncle. My Uncle Donald is atomic crazy. And … he has put his mark on the family history,” he added.

“Means he does things that, even as much as I know him when he’s out there now, I sort of shudder and say, ‘Is this the same guy I knew? What’s making him change? … What got him this way?’ But that all being said, I’ve always had a good relationship.”

He added, “But he’s done really horrific things to me, which some people will say, ‘How could you still want to have a relationship with him?’ He’s my uncle. He’s family, and that means a lot.”


These interviews are part of Fred Trump’s shameless attempt to promote his new book.

According to his memoir, during a visit to the Oval Office, Fred alleges that Donald Trump suggested those with disabilities “should just die.”

He recounts a similar incident during a phone call when he informed his uncle that the medical fund for his son, William, who has a disability, was running low, according to far-left news outlet The Daily Beast.

Fred claims that Trump coldly responded, “Your son doesn’t recognize you. Let him die and move to Florida.”

“Was I surprised? I don’t think you could hear something like that and not be surprised,” Fred added. “But that is what he has become. It’s sad.”

This is nothing more than a cheap shot to sell copies of a book that belongs in the bargain bin of the fiction section.

In response to these absurd claims, Trump’s communications director, Steven Cheung, issued a statement to the media.

“This is completely fabricated and total fake news of the highest order,” he said.

“It is appalling a lie so blatantly disgusting can be printed in media. Anyone who knows President Trump knows he would never use such language, and false stories like this have been thoroughly debunked.”

Eric Trump did not hold back in his response to his cousin’s betrayal.

“It’s disappointing that after decades of unwavering love, support, golf memberships, family vacations and millions of dollars in support for his wonderful son, Fred Trump has decided to ‘cash in’ less than a 100 days before an election.

I have signed the checks and witnessed first-hand as my father, and our family, has provided endless financial support so that Fred’s son could receive the best possible medical care.

To read this garbage and see that he has now followed his troubled sister simply earn a quick buck is disgusting, disheartening and a prime example of ‘no good deed goes unpunished’.”

Fred Trump III is the brother of the unhinged Mary Trump. The left has been using Mary Trump to smear her uncle, Donald Trump.

Below are some of the reactions on social media to this betrayal:

The post Grifters Gonna Grift: Eric Trump Fires Back at Cousin Fred Trump III for Supporting Kamala Harris and Spreading Lies Against Donald Trump, All While Cashing In with a Controversial New Book appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.