News in English

GAC Longbow Colin Levy Trophy Shoot this Sunday


GAC members, come and reveal your inner Robin Hood at our annual club Longbow championships this coming Sunday (4th August)!

We are shooting Western rounds (8 dozen) with distances to suit everyone. So, if you have a longbow, then dust it off and sign up on the Sign Up Genius now!

If not, there are a small number of club longbows and arrows that members can use. Just add a request in the Comments box of the Sign Up, and we will distribute them on a first come, first served basis.

Yes, this is a tournament, but it is also a celebration/commemoration of our great friend Colin Levy. Colin loved nothing more that to shoot some sticks, so do come and join us!

If longbow just isn’t your thing, then bring your recurve/barebow/compound and join in. You may not win the longbow trophy, but it would be great to see lots of us shooting in memory of Colin.

I look forward to shooting with you all on Sunday!

Simon de Kretser