Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan
1 1 1 1 Lansing State Journal Thursday, June 29, 1989 2B GREATER LANSING to develop marketing brochures for the aid program. Radio Talking Books. LANSING I Tri-County Aging Consortium, $4,000, to help pro- The annual event at the Frandor Kroger Store is in vide a 24-hour response system for non-medical memory of Mike Brandeberry, a longtime listener of Nine arrested in DIGEST emergencies. CHARLOTTE Radio Brande Talking Bradley, Books his and a daughter, Haslett and Lions her Club co-workers member. at Two raids at suspected two crack drug houses raids resulted in nine the Kroger store started the event three years ago.arrests Wednesday evening by Lansing Police's Regional Talking Books is a free news and information service Enforcement Against Crack Houses. Deadline for hunter safety classes near for persons who have difficulty reading. For information Six people were AREA arrested during a 7:30 p.m. raid at 644 July 5 is the deadline for the Eaton County Extension call 353-9124. S.Hay...