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Istiqlal Party Applauds France’s Recognition Of Moroccan Sovereignty Through Exclusive Autonomy Plan – OpEd


The recent endorsement by the French Republic of Morocco's sovereignty over its southern provinces marks a pivotal moment in international diplomacy. In a significant message addressed to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, French President Emmanuel Macron declared that France now recognizes the autonomy plan under Moroccan sovereignty as "the only basis for reaching a fair, lasting, and negotiated political solution, in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council." This landmark declaration not only strengthens France's position but also reflects a broader international consensus emerging around Morocco's proposal.

For decades, the Istiqlal Party has been at the forefront of advocating for Morocco's sovereignty over its southern provinces. The party's unwavering stance has emphasized a solution that honors national integrity while offering genuine autonomy. The recent French endorsement is a resounding validation of this approach and underscores the strategic importance of Morocco's proposal. France, a permanent member of the Security Council and a historical ally, has maintained a consistent position since 2007, supporting Morocco's sovereignty. This endorsement, therefore, is not just a diplomatic success but a testament to the legitimacy and credibility of Morocco's stance.

The ramifications of this diplomatic endorsement are profound and multifaceted. On an economic level, it will significantly bolster the development of Morocco's southern provinces. These regions have already embarked on a transformative model of growth and prosperity, positioning themselves as logistical hubs that attract both national and international investment. The infusion of investment is expected to revolutionize various sectors, particularly renewable energies, the blue economy, sustainable agriculture, and other future-forward industries. This economic boom will undoubtedly enhance the quality of life for citizens in these regions and create a vibrant, thriving local economy.

Politically, the French recognition of Moroccan sovereignty as the ultimate and irreversible future of the southern provinces fortifies the path of legitimacy and credibility that Morocco has consistently pursued under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. This path has been characterized by a firm commitment to defending the Moroccan Sahara and mobilizing international support for the autonomy plan. President Macron's message highlights the growing international consensus around Morocco's offer, suggesting that the proposal is gaining unprecedented global traction. This expanding consensus is a clear signal of the increasing acceptance and legitimacy of Morocco's sovereignty on the world stage.

The Istiqlal Party calls upon allied and friendly nations to join this burgeoning "international consensus" to resolve the regional conflict. The initiatives taken by the United States, Spain, Germany, and now France are commendable steps in this direction. Additionally, the sovereign decisions by brotherly and friendly countries to open consulates in Laayoune and Dakhla further affirm the legitimacy of Morocco's position and the international community's recognition of its sovereignty.

This historic decision by France is not merely a diplomatic gesture; it is a reaffirmation of Morocco's rightful place on the global stage. It acknowledges the pivotal role of His Majesty King Mohammed VI in consolidating territorial unity and enhancing Morocco's status as a reliable and responsible partner regionally and internationally. This endorsement by France is a clear signal that the international community increasingly acknowledges Morocco's sovereignty over its southern provinces. It is a call to action for other nations to join this just cause, ensuring a future of stability, prosperity, and peace for the region.

As we celebrate this diplomatic victory, we are reminded of the strategic importance of perseverance and the strength of our national unity. The French endorsement is a clear signal that the international community increasingly acknowledges Morocco's sovereignty over its southern provinces. It is a call to action for other nations to join this just cause, ensuring a future of stability, prosperity, and peace for the region.

In conclusion, the Istiqlal Party, with pride and optimism, salutes His Majesty King Mohammed VI's visionary leadership and reaffirms our commitment to defending our territorial integrity. We stand ready to work with our international partners to build a future that honors our sovereignty and fosters global harmony. France's bold stance is a testament to the effectiveness of our diplomatic efforts and the strength of our national resolve.