News in English

What is Biblical Submission? - Humorous Homemaking

Last week’s video, 5 Minutes on Submission, hit a nerve! When we came up with the idea for the video, I never considered it would bring about such debate. I discovered that I responded to many comments on the blog and Facebook with the same basic themes:“I don’t respect my husband, so how can I submit to him?”“I am not a doormat. I refuse to submit so he can walk all over me.”“I can submit on most things, but when he and I disagree I just can’t let him win all the time.”“My husband isn’t a Christian. How can I submit to him when he’s not a believer?”Today I want to try and help the discussion along for both sides because I believe society gives us a terrible example of what it means to be a husband or a wife.The Bible is pretty clear that the man is to be the spiritual leader of the home (you can substitute “household” or “family” here in place of “home”). Want proof? Check out what God has to say about it. If you believe the Bible to be true (and I sure do), then we have to agree that...