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National Day of Remembrance on September 14 Will Remember 63 Million Babies Killed in Abortions


You already know that nearly one million unborn children are aborted every year in our country.

But do you know what happens to the bodies of all those aborted babies?

Most of them are incinerated. Some are thrown into landfills. Some are flushed down the drain. And believe it or not, a handful of these children have actually been given a proper burial.

In fact, there are more than 50 burial sites of aborted children all over the country. Don’t you think we ought to visit those burial sites and pray in mourning for these children?

That’s just what’s happening on Saturday, September 14, the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.

Since 2013, pro-lifers have gathered at the burial places of aborted babies and other memorials erected in their honor to mourn for these babies and pray for an end to abortion.


This year’s service will be more important than ever. In this election year, we need to help our fellow citizens see that abortion is not just a political issue. We need to help them grieve for the loss of these victims and heal from the wounds of abortion as we begin working to extend legal protection to our unborn brothers and sisters in all 50 states.

That’s why I’m reaching out to you today to invite you to be a part of this year’s Day of Remembrance in a special way. Will you consider signing on to host a prayer service in your area during this year’s National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children on September 14?

If you’re willing to do this, the first step is to check out the list of burial places and other memorial markers.

If you find a location near you — or know about one nearby that isn’t on my list — you can sign on to lead a prayer service on September 14.

My team and I have put together all the resources you need to organize this event, including promotional materials, a sample prayer service agenda, and more. And if you’ve never led an event like this before, we’ll be available to you every step of the way with whatever help you might need.

Over the years, countless women and men have drawn hope and healing from this solemn day of mourning for the unborn victims of abortion. This year, you can be a part of bringing peace to those suffering abortion regret, and testifying to all our fellow Americans that the innocent victims of abortion must never be forgotten.

LifeNews Note: Eric Scheidler is the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, founded in 1980 by his late father, veteran pro-life leader Joe Scheidler, to recruit and equip pro-life Americans to stop abortion and restore respect for unborn children through peaceful direct action.

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