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Ben Bergquam and Terry Newsome Expose Chicago Holiday Inn Housing Illegal Immigrants Leading Up to DNC Convention


By Paul Drabik

Terry Newsome outside an illegel immigrant shelter in Chicago, Illinois.

Ben Bergquam of Real America’s Voice and Terry Newsome of Behind Enemy Lines podcast have become a formidable investigative reporting duo in Chicago. The two have collaborated over the last year and half to expose the human tragedy of the illegal immigration crisis in the sanctuary City of Chicago. Gateway Pundit has reported on their previous efforts including a confrontation of suspected illegals seemingly conducting illegal activity.  On this occasion Bergquam follows as Newsome leads him through the neighborhood he grew up in on the Southside of Chicago. Bergquam’s tweet below has garnered almost 900K views.

The pair are following up on a series of FOIA requests that Newsome has made over the last 2 years regarding the different migrant facilities scattered across the city of Chicago. In the clip they head to a Holiday Inn near Midway Airport on the southwest side of Chicago. Newsome walks along a stretch of road where he narrates the history of the neighborhood. Newsome laments the dichotomy of a once patriotic neighborhood manufacturing airplane parts during WWII, with a 2024 of illegal immigrants taking over an entire Holiday Inn hotel at the expense of American citizens.

Chicago, with its sanctuary city status, has been one of the main destinations for illegals who have crossed the border in search of refuge as many are unprepared for a life in another country. The promise of care and financing is offered at the expense of NGOs such as Catholic Charities and the Obama Foundation affiliated New Life Centers as previously reported by Gateway Pundit. While the homeless freeze in the punishing Chicago winters, illegal immigrants are burdened by no such fate. They are assigned case workers by Catholic Charities and the Obama Foundation affiliate New Life Centers. Illegals enjoy free groceries, government funded smartphones, shelter, food, and clothing. They are even placed in apartments with their utilities covered in full.

The logistics of such an enterprise is so vast that a collaborative effort between multiple NGOs, City of Chicago, Utility Companies, and the State of Illinois is needed. The cost is so exorbitant that it’s no surprise the State of Illinois raised taxes by $1B in 2024 with a lionshare of that revenue being earmarked for the care of the new class of citizen being purchased. According to Illinois Policy, as of March of 2024 the City of Chicago had spent approximately $300M on the migrant crisis since 2022.

In their article, Illinois Policy observes that money designated for homelessness was not used for that purpose. Additionally, a majority of the funding only went to three vendors. The tangled web of Federal funding, state funding, City of Chicago funding and the myriad NGOs involved in this crisis has been reported on previously by Gateway Pundit. In an earlier article from this week, Catholic Charities and an Obama Foundation affiliate, New Life Centers, was spotlighted in an email chain reporting on the services provided to house and settle illegal immigrants in the City of Chicago. Behind Enemy Lines podcast uncovered the facilities within the City of Chicago through multiple FOIA requests. Below a chart of those locations with numbers of new arrivals is reported on by Catholic Charities:

Curiously the video with Bergquam and Newsome is highlighting a brand new Holiday Inn facility not open to the public but designated for illegal immigrants. There is no indication or reporting that an unsustainable influx of new arrivals would facilitate the need for a new facility. These facilities have been temporary holding zones while NGOs work behind the scenes to put illegals in apartments across the city. What is notable is that this Holiday Inn is outside the city proper. An obvious question comes to mind. Are these illegal immigrants being moved to other locations aside from designated city facilities? Does that have anything to do with the arrival of the DNC in late August?

Another particularly interesting observation to note in the Bergquam and Newsome video is the presence of the previously mentioned Obama Foundation affiliate – New Life Centers – parking pass present in the parking lot. It would appear that their efforts are facilitating the involvement of this Holiday Inn for illegal immigrant temporary housing. Note the parking pass in the screen capture below.

Terry Newsome and Behind Enemy Lines are continuing their effort to uncover the truth about the illegal immigration crisis in Chicago. There are sure to be more alarming revelations leading up to a chaotic and dystopian Democrat National Convention coming to the city in late August 2024.

The post Ben Bergquam and Terry Newsome Expose Chicago Holiday Inn Housing Illegal Immigrants Leading Up to DNC Convention appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.