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Second Youngsville police chief candidate disqualified


YOUNGSVILLE, La. (KLFY) -- A second Youngsville police chief candidate has been found by the court to be ineligible to run in the city's special election in November.

Judge Scott Privat ruled at a hearing in the 15th Judicial District Court that John M. Trahan did not meet the one-year domicile requirement needed to run for the local office.

The hearing came after the Lafayette District Attorney's office filed a petition seeking to disqualify Trahan. A complaint from James Savell, a Youngsville resident with connections to Citizens for a New Louisiana, claimed that Trahan lived outside the Youngsville city limits prior to qualifying on July 18.

Former Youngsville Police Chief Rickey Boudreaux was also disqualified from running for the post because state law prohibits an official who resigns before the end of their term to run in a special election called to replace them.

Trahan's and Boudreaux's disqualifications leave three candidates in the race, Jean Paul "JP" Broussard, current interim chief Cody Louviere and "Matt" Thomassee.

The special election for Youngsville Police Chief will be on the ballot alongside the Presidential election on Nov. 5, with a runoff if necessary on Dec. 7.

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