News in English

Early FMC - let's talk A. Y. Malcomson

I'm not going to spend a lot of time or space on this (that's what I usually write, then 20 posts later..........).Oily wrote: "I am of the belief that A.Y. Malcomsen was cheated out of his share of the Ford Motor Co. He seems to have been the financial man who had the reputation to support the efforts of Henry Ford, and Ford should have certainly rewarded him more generously."A few points to consider, and then some context:First, Malcomson wasn't "cheated." He chose to sell his stock, which Henry Ford and James Couzens bought (this gets to a Couzens pont later). Why did Malcomson sell? For those reading above, the stated reason to the press were two fold. One, because he thought it was a good price (Detroit Free Press, 1906), and second, because he wished to devote all his efforts (i.e. money) to Aerocar. At the same time he sold his shares of FMC, Aerocar had another $100,000 (or $150, I'll have to look it up again) added to it's capitalization.A 1903 to 1906 return on cash investmen...