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I’m turning my ugly council flat into a luxury home on a budget – a B&Q buy is so magic, it’s like unicorn dust


A MUM has revealed how she turned her “ugly council” place into a luxury home by using budget hacks. 

Becki, who has a passion for up-cycling, has just recently moved into her house and has since been documenting her progress. 

Becki has recently moved into her council place and has started renovating it herself
She discovered a B&Q buy which worked like ‘magic’

And after being only eight days in to decorating, Becki is already starting to see huge progress.

When she moved into her council house, Becki’s bedroom had red walls which appeared to be tired looking. 

So getting the walls sorted were at the top of the mum’s list of priorities.

Becki has shared her journey on her TikTok page @beckislife.

In one particular video, the mum reveals that she has first started off by sanding down her walls to ensure it was smooth.

She then went onto explain how she added a first layer of white Dulux paint. 

However, she found the paint to be “quite watery” and the undertone of the original wall was still appearing to come through. 

So the mum of four decided to head to B&Q to get the Zinsser gardz – which she found to be a total game changer. 

Zinsser gardz is a unique water-based sealer for porous and potential problem surfaces. 

Taking to TikTok, the mum shared a before and after video of her decorating her wall. 

Becki captioned it: “I knew you wouldn’t let me down! 

“Day eight of my council house bedroom makeover and omg the progress I’m finally seeing is unreal! 

I used Zinsser guardz to seal the walls first. You need to work quickly and don’t keep going over what you have coated as it will pull off


“Trying to do a home makeover on a budget isn’t easy!

“But after Tuesday I should be able to finish the other walls and finally my bedroom transformation will actually start to look good again and I can finally treat myself to curtains!”

Talking about the B&Q paint, she said: “B&Q you’re an absolute babe I don’t know what magic is in this stuff, whether it’s unicorn dust or fairy poo but look at my walls now. 

“Sorry Dulux, you’re taking a back seat for now.”

Becki also found that she had to work “really quickly” because the temperature was “hot as hell,” and that meant the paint was drying at speed. 

She finished the video by talking about the walls and saying: “They’re not perfect but compared to what we had to begin with and I’ve not re-plastered and they’re not lined they’re bloody good.”

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The video attracted lots of attention with many rushing to the comments section to share their thoughts. 

One asked: “What’s the paint you used from B&Q Becki? Dulux isn’t doing it for my walls either.”

To which Becki replied: “So I used Zinsser guards to seal the walls first and you need to work quickly and don’t keep going over what you have coated as it will pull off. 

“Just trust the process, let it dry and recoat.”

Another added: “You’re doing fabulous work!

“I’m redecorating my teenage son’s room at the mo and I’ve found that Dulux needs an extra coat after Zissner primer but I’m hoping the extra effort holds for longer!”