Interesting Psak: Standing at Chuppa
I have foudn that while it is common for many to stand at a chuppa when the chosson and kalla walk tot he chuppa, some do not and prefer to sit.
The reasons I have heard are usually in favor of standing due to the status of the chosson and kalla as a king and queen. Another common reason I have heard is standing int he presence of the shchina due to a mitzva being performed. The reason I have heard against standing is that it is not a real custom but absorbed from the goyim.
I must say, this ...
The reasons I have heard are usually in favor of standing due to the status of the chosson and kalla as a king and queen. Another common reason I have heard is standing int he presence of the shchina due to a mitzva being performed. The reason I have heard against standing is that it is not a real custom but absorbed from the goyim.
I must say, this ...