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Palestinian Antisemitism: Israel Is Tool of the West, ‘Next Step’ Is to Subordinate the Entire Arab World


People hold Fatah flags during a protest in support of the people of Gaza, as the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, in Hebron, in the West Bank, Oct. 27, 2023. Photo: REUTERS/Mussa Qawasma

Although terror organization Hamas launched the current war against Israel when it brutally attacked Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, and murdered over 1,000 Israelis, the Palestinian Authority (PA) presents the ongoing war solely as “Israeli aggression.”

Some members of the PA even allege that “no one attacked” Israel.

Instead, PA leaders present Israel’s self-defense and response to being attacked by Hamas to a greater Israeli “plan” to “tear apart the Palestinian people,” “uproot” and “expel” it, and eventually subjugate not only the Palestinians but Arab states as well. The US is also being demonized in the PA’s libelous narrative, as “the one waging the war, and not Israel.”

The following are examples of PA leaders disseminating this libel to Palestinians:

Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki:“This talk about Israel’s right to defend itself. Where did Israel attack? Israel attacked the Gaza Strip. No one attacked it.”

[Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki, Facebook page,
Jan. 20, 2024]

(PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor: Israel is US’ “police officer,” and goal is to subordinate entire Arab world

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash:“If, Heaven forbid, Palestine will fall, and the Gaza Strip will fall, and Israel will realize its goals in the Gaza Strip and afterwards will move on to realize similar goals in the West Bank, it will then be the turn of other Arab capitals and of other Arab states. And Arab states will become subordinates to the American police officer named Israel in the region.”

Posted text:“Al-Habbash to [the official PA radio station] The Voice of Palestine: Israel is fighting against our religion, and the US is a partner to the aggression, but victory will be our ally, and the world will pay a heavy price for the continuation of this tragedy.”

[Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Facebook page, Feb. 10, 2024]

Abbas’ advisor demonizes Israel: Israel’s “target” is not just Hamas, but “tearing apart the Palestinian people”

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash:“The occupation (i.e., Israel) falsely claims that it is directing its blows against the Hamas Movement. But this is a lie… Those whom the occupation is targeting is you, us, these children. The children of the West Bank are being targeted like the children of the Gaza Strip, like the children of Jerusalem, like all children of the Palestinian people, like all members of the Palestinian people.The intent is not just to uproot Hamas, not at all.There are many proofs of this …The target is the Palestinian people, the target is tearing apart the Palestinian people, the target is uprooting the Palestinian people, it is removing the Palestinian people from its land, it is expelling the Palestinian people from Palestine…

They are determined to remove us from our land, and we are determined to stay in it. They have failed at this for 75 years, at uprooting the Palestinian people from Palestine, and they will fail, Allah willing. This land will only be ours… this is our homeland and not their homeland. This is our land and not their land, this is our history and not their history. If someone needs to leave and go out of our land, it is them! They are the ones who need to leave. They need to leave, while we are staying here.” [emphasis added]

[Official PA TV Live, Dec. 8, 2023]

Fatah official: Israel’s “next step” is to “harm the PA” and “annihilate the West Bank after the Gaza Strip” 

Official Fatah Spokesman Abd Al-Fattah Doleh“[Israel’s] next step is to prepare to complete the chain of crimes in the Palestinian West Bank, to harm the supporting pillar and presence of the PA … They [Israel] want to harm this presence through lies and falsehoods that the PA has a large army and they must eliminate this army because this army constitutes a greater danger to them than Hamas.”

Posted text:“Doleh to [Fatah-run] Awdah [TV]: The occupation [i.e., Israel] will attempt to complete its plan of annihilation in the West Bank after the Gaza Strip.” [emphasis added]

[Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Facebook page, Dec. 12, 2023]

Fatah official: US, not Israel, is waging war to “slaughter the Palestinian people” 

Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki: “The US is the one waging the [Gaza] war, and not Israel … It is the one waging the war and it is the one that is striving with all its efforts to slaughter the Palestinian people … Our central issue is to stop this cursed war, this barbaric war, which is worse than Nazism.” [emphasis added]

[Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki, Facebook page, Jan. 20, 2024]

Fatah official: Israel is a US military base to prevent Arab unity

Fatah official Bassem Al-Tamimi:“The US owns the Israeli settlement project in this region as its military base to prevent the unity of the region.”

[Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Facebook page, May 28, 2024]

Israel created “to carry out dirty jobs” for “the colonialist West”  

Fatah official and An-Najah National University political science lecturer Raed Debiy:“Israel is a functional state that the West created for its interests and to carry out dirty jobs that the colonialist West doesn’t want to get its hands dirty with. Therefore, it created the Zionist movement or used the Zionist movement to carry out these dirty jobs. Israel is continuing to fulfill this role in the region.” [emphasis added]

[Official PA TV, March 3, 2024]

The author is a senior analyst at Palestinian Media Watch, where a version of this article was originally published.

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