News in English

Forbidden Magic

Perhaps there’s some truth to the idea that the real danger of forbidden magic isn’t that it draws its power from sacrifice, but that it tempts the greedy and ambitious into using the suffering of others to fuel their spells. Forbidden magic is a broad umbrella term which has a generally accepted meaning. Forbidden magic itself usually refers to necromancy, hemomancy, and magic which alters a creature’s mind and dominates it to a caster’s will. However, this is an oversimplification as for example, not all necromancy spells are considered forbidden magic, it is only typically those that create undead that are forbidden. Forbidden magic also includes magic which summons fiends, Weave Aberration, and other dangerous extra-planar threats. While some necromancy spells are capable of bringing someone back to life, and few deny the use and positivity of these spells, it is the spells that focus on abusing and twisting creatures both living and dead that is taken issue with. Most find it to b...