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Biden’s Radical Plan To “Reform” The Supreme Court – Which Has Kamala’s Full-Throated Endorsement – Indicate A Party Totally In Thrall To Far-Left Extremists


On Monday, the Biden-Harris regime rolled out perhaps its most extreme policy yet – a fundamental transformation of the nation’s highest court that seeks to neuter it root and branch of political independence, converting it into yet another cog that would irremediably carry out the marching orders of the Democratic Party’s leftmost flank.

Biden’s radical plan, which he claimed would help “strengthen the guardrails of democracy,” is anything but small-d democratic: it amounts to a power-grab by the Executive Branch, intended to eradicate separation of powers, and guarantee the Supreme Court marches to the increasingly totalitarian dictates of the regnant political order.

The plan received the full-throated endorsement of Kamala Harris, now the presumptive Democratic nominee, and stands to represent a key pillar of her overall political platform, by far the most radical agenda of any presidential candidate in American history already.  In recent years, the Supreme Court has come under intense scrutiny by liberals because of several key decisions – like overturning Roe v. Wade and granting circumscribed presidential immunity for official acts – which were made possible by President Trump’s three Supreme Court nominations.  The Court’s two most conservative and experienced justices, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, have also received intense pressure by far-left lawmakers and groups, like Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, to recuse themselves, or face impeachment, for their faithful adherence to the Constitution’s original text, meaning, and purpose.

Because the Supreme Court has followed the dictates of the Constitution, rather than power-hungry Democrats, the Left has naturally called for “reform” to the nation’s High Court. Among the radical reforms proposed, which come straight from Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky’s playbooks, include a dramatic “restructuring” that would end presidential immunity, full stop, allowing the Biden regime to carry out its weaponized lawfare against President Trump and his loyal supporters unencumbered by checks and balances.  Moreover, Biden and Harris have endorsed “term limits” for Supreme Court justices and, perhaps most insidiously of all, want to hold the justices to “binding ethics rules” – which would presumably allow tyrannical presidents to switch out a rogue justice who ruled antithetically to their desired policy, such as on abortion or election integrity.  For a party that only speaks the language of power, the Democrats have redefined the meaning of the term “ethics” to mean those policies that keep them in power, ideally forever, which is the underlying purpose of their call to hold justices to the “highest possible standards.”

These reforms clearly lay the groundwork for a court packing scheme as well, which has become a top priority for many Democratic lawmakers in recent years.  Even though the Court has ruled, over the past couple of years, more closely in accordance with the Constitution’s intended purpose and textual prerogative on fundamental issues, Biden and Harris instead consider that shift as a “threat to democracy.”  Accordingly, they have crafted this totally fabricated narrative about a crisis of legitimacy facing the nation’s High Court.  Contrary to what Biden and Harris proclaim, in truth the overwhelming majority of Americans want the Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution faithfully; that is to say, based on the intended construction of its framers. What Biden and Harris have proposed would do the very opposite – and make mincemeat of the handiwork of James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton, bludgeoning the rule of law, due process, and free speech in the process.

Biden and Harris argue these reforms are “popular,” insisting that they are essential to restoring “confidence in the court” and needed to “strengthen our democracy.”  But, in reality, these reforms would destroy what remnants of a democratic society we have left.  Rather than have the Supreme Court operate as the head of an independent branch of government, like a power-hungry medieval king, Biden and Harris demand the Court adhere to their wishes or face damning consequences.  This would not “restore democracy” but destroy democracy, root and branch.  If allowed to go through, Biden and Harris’ so-called “reforms” would neuter the Court wholesale, rendering it into an impotent vehicle with no purpose other than to carry out the megalomaniacal marching orders of the commander-in-chief.

Biden and Harris pretend like ending presidential immunity would safeguard the Executive from becoming more powerful than the two other branches of government.  But what they have proposed, ending the sovereignty of the Supreme Court as a wholly independent political body, would ironically do far more damage to the separation of powers than their distorted construction of presidential immunity, which in reality was a very limited ruling intended to keep the presidency from becoming a political football.  But this is how the Democratic Party operates: they misrepresent the policy platform of the Republican candidate, to make it seem much more radical than it really is in hopes of kowtowing the population, out of fear and ignorance, into adopting their platform instead – which presents itself as “levelheaded” in comparison to their distorted representation of the Republican agenda, so that they can successfully shoehorn a program that is actually quite extreme and totalitarian.

This strategy is deeply conniving and un-American to the core, but it proves effective time and again because Republicans, caught off-guard, typically adopt the Democrats’ frame of reference unwittingly, and thus are forced to play defensively when they should be playing offensively.  On constitutional matters, Republicans invariably have the upper hand – since they are the only party that wishes to preserve what relics of the Constitution remain, desecrated though it has been made through years of leftist erosion, in contrast with the Democratic Party, which sees the original Constitution as an obstacle to “our democracy” – democracy defined as that which augments their power, ideally for all time, at the expense of the power of Republicans – and Donald Trump, specifically.

The Left knows this, which is why they push for increasingly radical proposals – e.g., pack the court, end presidential immunity, get rid of due process, punish political enemies.  Even though they may not get everything they want, given the logistical hurdles it would take to accomplish these reforms, they nevertheless secure a victory by adjusting the goalposts so that conservatives must now fend off these programs, which are legitimated by the fact that one of the two major parties have adopted them as main components of their party platforms.  Since they receive the legitimacy of the Democratic Party – and specifically in the candidacy of the most leftward presidential candidate in the history of American politics in Kamala Harris – they obtain the – albeit undeserving – pretext of “moderation,” since, after all, how on earth could they be radical if a party that on paper represents “one half of the country” adopted them as part of their national platform?

But make no mistake about it: these are some of the most radical policies ever laid out in American history.  Even by simply articulating them (a form of legitimacy), Biden and Harris have rendered irreparable damage to our democratic institutions.  They represent yet another step towards out-and-out socialism, the culmination of a decades-long campaign to replace the original Constitution with a counterfeit document that canonizes the progressivist ideals that if allowed to flourish would surely put an end to true American democracy for all time.

Not that it was needed, but these policies further underscore the incredibly high stakes of this presidential election: freedom is on the ballot.  America’s core identity: rule of law, due process, separation of powers, the ability to speak and criticize governmental power – all hang in the balance, and all will be wiped off the face of the earth if President Trump does not once more ascend to the nation’s highest office, the last chance for this country to restore the legitimacy of its political institutions, and make the freedoms our forefathers enshrined into law, and passed down generation after generation, once again a cornerstone of our civic identity.

The post Biden’s Radical Plan To “Reform” The Supreme Court – Which Has Kamala’s Full-Throated Endorsement – Indicate A Party Totally In Thrall To Far-Left Extremists appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.