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Biden and Harris Want Supreme Court Term Limits Because They Hate Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito


When Joe Biden was fighting for his political survival earlier this month, many commentators noticed that the “progs” (progressives) in Congress were standing with him. They had certain demands, and they wanted assurances of what a second Biden term would be like, and they got them.

As we have reported, the “progs” are furious that the Supreme Court’s conservative majority is standing in the way of their radical agenda. So, Joe Biden agreed to push through a series of changes in order to crush the Supreme Court’s independence as a co-equal branch of government.

Even though he’s now a lame duck on his way out of office, Biden is keeping his word to fire up his left-wing base. In an editorial in the Washington Post, the president demanded so-called “reforms” that would “fundamentally transform” the Supreme Court.

Among other things, Biden wants to force one justice off the bench every two years. The left knows it can’t impeach Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito, so they’re coming up with creative schemes to get them off the bench.

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Kamala Harris has endorsed Biden’s proposal to force the Supreme Court to kneel. And like other left-wing politicians, Harris also said she was “open” to the idea of packing the Supreme Court with additional radical lawyers, wiping out the conservative majority, and turning the high court into a rubber stamp for the left’s agenda. Note: Gary Bauer is the president of American Values, a national pro-family organization and is the former president of the Family Research Council. Bauer ran for the Republican nomination for president and appears frequently on radio and television programs.

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