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Opinion: I’m a Christian Musician in Drag—the Olympics Opening Ceremony Was Perfect

The Olympic Games via Twitter

Of course, there has been a controversy and much gnashing of teeth about the drag queens who appeared during the Olympics opening ceremony. Of course, because religious conservatives are always looking to kick and malign the LGBTQ community—in the last few years drag queens and trans people have provided a particular focus for their cruelty and prejudice.

But putting aside the ceremony tableau wasn't a depiction of the Last Supper at all but a depiction of a celebration with Dionysus, and putting aside the fact that da Vinci's painting has been satirized and parodied hundreds of other times without this level of indignation, and putting aside the likelihood that da Vinci himself was queer, there is nothing about a depiction of a Biblical scene with drag queens, queer folks, fat people, and youth that inherently mocks the faith.

We all belong at the table of communion, every single one of us. It was a beautiful display, and the ire of a certain bitter sect of Christianity just shows how small, petulant, and, frankly, useless the God they believe in is.

Read more at The Daily Beast.