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50 Nurse Stereotypes That Refuse To Die

Written By: Brittney Bertagna, BSN, RNStereotypes are long-standing observations of a group of people that often have a negative connotation. Nurse stereotypes are no different. They are the opinions of others that do not represent the entire population. Ever wonder what the common stereotypes for the nursing profession are? Most people have a few in mind but may not consider many others. In addition to the negative stereotypes of nurses, there are also positive stereotypes of nurses, which may affect how people view the entire profession. Here are 50 of the most common nurse stereotypes that refuse to die even after many years of progression.What Exactly Are Nurse Stereotypes? Nurse stereotypes are common perceptions of the nursing profession that are typically overgeneralized to all nurses. Like most stereotypes, they have been around a long time and are often misconceptions of the whole population of people, however, often contain some truth. Though some nurses you may encounter fit...