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Kamala Harris is a Radical Abortion Activist With a Long History of Targeting Christians


Donald J. Trump is not a Catholic. He did, however, appoint a majority Catholic Supreme Court who overturned the disastrous Roe v. Wade. His immigration policy is in keeping with the Catholic Church’s teachings on national sovereignty and cultural identity. He has condemned the current administration’s persecution of traditional Catholics. American Catholics are increasingly coalescing around Trump and his no-nonsense policies.

Kamala Harris, on the other hand, has a long history of anti-Catholic rhetoric and policies. First and foremost, Harris is one of the most pro-abortion politicians to have ever served in any branch of the U.S. government. Even now, as she prepares to take over the Democratic nomination for the presidential race, Harris has been wholeheartedly endorsed by rabid pro-abortion organizations. The Atlantic proudly predicted that Harris “could make 2024 the abortion election.”

During her tenure as vice president, Harris became the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion mill — not, of course, to mourn the American lives lost there in the womb, but to promote the butchering of the unborn. She launched the “Fight for Our Rights” tour last year, which encouraged college students to promote and vote in favor of radical abortion extremism. The Vice President followed this with another speaking tour touting abortion as an absolute right and a positive good.

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Harris has condemned pro-life laws responsible for saving hundreds and thousands of unborn lives from the horrors of the abortionist’s office and has even encouraged Christians to violate the demands God places on their consciences and support abortion anyway. “It’s important to note that to support a woman’s ability — not her government, but her — to make that decision does not require anyone to abandon their faith or their beliefs,” Harris claimed in a 2022 address. “For those of us of faith, I think that we agree, many of us, that there’s nothing about this issue that will require anyone to abandon their faith or change their faith,” she repeated.

During her time as a senator, Harris cosponsored legislation to outlaw pro-life protections at the state level and voted against legislation requiring doctors to care for babies who survive brutal abortion attempts. Both NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood gave Harris a 100 percent rating for her rabid child-slaughter advocacy.

When then-President Donald Trump nominated pro-life Catholic Brian Beuscher to serve as a federal judge, Harris castigated him for his membership in the charitable fraternal organization the Knights of Columbus. As CatholicVote president Brian Burch explained, Harris asked Beuscher “if he knew that the Knights had taken ‘extreme positions’ on life and marriage. ‘Extreme’ as in beliefs held by the Catholic Church itself.” She further demanded that he renounce his membership in the Catholic organization if confirmed to the bench. “Not only is this a gross form of anti-religious bigotry, it’s also unconstitutional,” Burch said. “Harris’ version of being Catholic is a Catholic who surrenders their core beliefs.”

During her stint as California’s attorney general, Harris sponsored the ill-named FACT Act, which would have forced crisis pregnancy centers to advertise for abortion facilities. The legislation was later struck down as unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. When investigative reporter David Daleiden came forward in 2016 with evidence that Planned Parenthood was harvesting organs from unborn babies, A.G. Harris did not prosecute the organ-harvesting baby butchers, but instead targeted Daleiden. Harris also joined a coalition of 13 other state attorneys general in demanding that the Supreme Court force Hobby Lobby to fund contraception and abortifacient drugs.

In the Senate, Harris introduced the (again, ill-named) “Do No Harm” Act, which would have terminated the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1983 and its conscience protections for Catholic doctors and healthcare workers, forcing them to commit abortions and carry out gender transition surgeries. Harris also promoted the “Equality” Act, which the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) warned would “run roughshod over religious liberty” and inevitably be used to “punish” Americans who refuse to support gender ideology.

Harris has also been complicit in the coverup of President Joe Biden’s deteriorating cognitive state and declining health, openly lying to the American people in an effort to maintain power. She has, further, completely abrogated Catholic principles and abandoned U.S. law in her multitudinous and, in many cases, fatal failures as Biden’s “border czar.”

Although Harris is trailing behind Trump in polls — especially in battleground states — she is not to be dismissed by conservatives as a nonentity. The vice president is manipulative, politically savvy, and, despite her chronic case of foot-in-mouth syndrome, a viable threat to Catholic and, indeed, Christian principles across the nation. Biden had centered his reelection bid around abortion and Harris, as his chosen successor, has followed suit. That appeal alone may prove successful enough to overshadow her many flaws as both a candidate and a person. Catholics cannot allow her to take over the White House, or else her anti-Catholic rhetoric will quickly become national policy, enforced by every federal agency under her control.

LifeNews Note: S.A. McCarthy writes for the American Spectator, where this column originally appeared.

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