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White Rabbit

Jaina Hudson AKA White Rabbit is an Alice in Wonderland themed enemy of Batman who is an Indian socialite with the super-power to duplicate herself as an albino criminal who has enhanced speed and dresses like a playboy-bunny.Contents1 History1.1 New Earth1.1.1 Early Life1.1.2 White Rabbit1.2 Prime Earth2 Powers and Abilities2.1 Powers3 Appearances in Other Media4 See AlsoHistoryNew EarthEarly LifeJaina Hudson is the daughter of Tom Hudson, an American diplomat who moved to India and married a Bollywood actress, who is Jaina's mother.When Jaina was nine, she and her family moved from India to Gotham City. Since that time she visited some private schools. At some point, Jaina developed the ability to create an albino clone of herself with enhanced speed. Years later, Jaina becomes a charity fundraiser organizer and met Bruce Wayne at a charity function for relief in Pakistan.White RabbitWhite Rabbit is first introduced during the breakout of Arkham Asylum. She teases Batman and the Goth...