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Graham Defends Vance By Accusing Dems Of Abandoning The 'Traditional Family'


This is pretty rich coming from one of Felon45's biggest apologists. Someone wake me up when Sen. Lindsey Graham explains to all of us just which family values Trump supposedly represents.

Graham made an appearance on this Sunday's Face the Nation on CBS, and was asked by host Robert Costa about JD Vance's snide remarks about childless cat ladies and that people with children's should have more voting power than those who do not have children, and whether Trump may be regretting the pick.

After reading some criticism from the Wall Street Journal editorial page criticizing Vance's remarks and discussing the fact that they don't play well with millions of female voters, Costa asked Graham "You're close to former President Trump. Does he in any way regret having Vance on the ticket?"

Which was met with this Gish gallop from Graham, who, of course, didn't answer Costa's question:

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