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Catholic Charities and Obama Foundation Affiliate Colluding with City of Chicago on Replacement Migration


A recent Gateway Pundit article elaborated on a FOIA made by Terry Newsome of Behind Enemy Lines podcast regarding Catholic Charities role in the illegal immigration crisis plaguing the City of Chicago.

Further efforts have unearthed a trove of 213 email documents detailing the collaborative efforts of the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, Exelon Energy company, New Life Centers – an Obama Foundation affiliate – and Catholic Charities in prioritizing the “resettlement” of illegal immigrants over the needs of American citizens.

Upon further examination of the  FOIA emails there is a collaborative effort amongst multiple organizations including Mayor Andy Schor of Lansing, Michigan to “resettle” illegal immigrants in the sanctuary City of Chicago.

As previously reported, Gateway Pundit noted that the Illinois taxpayer is on the hook for an additional $1B  in 2024. One of the largest allocations of that funding is earmarked to care for illegal immigrants.

This particular FOIA trove of emails reveals a reporting cadence from Catholic Charities in partnership with New Life Centers (Obama Foundation Affiliate) to report on the resettlement of illegal immigrants between the timeframe of December 2022 and March 2024. In the below chart Catholic Charities reports on having helped “resettle” over 15,200 “new arrivals” during that time.

The email chain centers  around reporting from both Catholic Charities and New Life Centers. However, there are frequent conversations regarding the particular efforts involved in the resettlement program.

For example, there is an email exchange between a ComEd (Exelon Corporation) employee discussing the percentage of customers making full payments, partial payments, and no payments. Kirstin Chernawsky, Associate Secretary Early Childhood Family & Community, of the Illinois Department of Human Services responds in kind suggesting a one page flier alerting migrants of what to do should they receive a late payment notice.

The absurdity of the situation is highlighted in the email below where the Catholic Charities VP is notifying the ComEd official as to who is included in the collaborative effort. Note the titles of officials on the email chain include Deputy Mayor for Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights, First Deputy Mayor for Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights, Chief Philanthropy Officer, and of course we cannot forget the Director of Strategic Partnerships, Mayor’s Office of Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights.

A quick analysis of the City of Chicago employee database reveals that these four employees together enjoy a collective annual salary of $665K. These positions and their titles would only begin to shed light on the colossal tax increases that Illinoisans and Chicagoans alike have continued to experience in recent years.

In another disturbing excerpt, a Catholic Charities report updates the collaborative group that a pilot program has been created to divert victims of domestic violence to another location. In a previous Gateway Pundit article the problem of crime including an abundance of domestic violence was uncovered through a FOIA made by Terry Newsome of Behind Enemy Lines.

In that article just one of the locations housing illegals was found to have had over 200 pages of incident responses by Chicago PD. Many of these incidents included domestic violence and abuse of children.

While the project management of multiple entities appears to be streamlined and well organized there is a mysterious lack of concern over any cost involved. In the below graphic New Life Centers boasts of providing 55 apartments per day, 275 per week, and 1100 per month.

Another slide cites free groceries for 7,000 families a month. As Milton Friedman once said, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch.” Someone else – the American taxpayer – is always picking up the tab.

A charitable reading of this FOIA email trove would suggest that the people involved appear to have good intentions. They are trying to help people. However, the reality of mass, unchecked, migration tells a different story entirely. As Gateway Pundit has previously reported, this phenomenon also imports increased cost and crime that would not exist in an otherwise secure and legal immigration program.

America has paid, and will continue to pay the price of inflation, increased tax burden, increased crime, increased terror threat, loss of jobs, increased homelessness, and lack of available healthcare. It could be argued that this entire effort is a leftist policy prescription to combat the  concerning problem of a sustained increase in the decline of birth rates according to the CDC.

Leftist pundits will continue to gaslight the American public suggesting that “Replacement Migration,” is a conspiracy theory pushed by right wing racist bigots. Of course, this talk track ignores a dispassionate analysis performed by the United Nations in 2000 regarding the concern over population decline and aging populations titled: Replacement Migration. The study is readily available on their website here.

A wise philosopher once said, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” As shown in the FOIA documents, a widespread effort to support AND fund illegal immigration into the sanctuary City of Chicago has been underway during the Biden administration.

This program facilitates the “resettlement” of largely unchecked and unvetted illegal immigrants in a mass social engineering effort that is likely to increase – at a mass scale – the welfare state. As a result, government will grow exponentially along with the taxpayer burden.

Meanwhile, American citizens are dying from Fentanyl, homeless are going hungry, Veterans are lacking the healthcare they need, citizens are being victimized by illegals, women and children are being trafficked across an open border, and the nation is less safe while known terrorists are entering the country with impunity. Having good intentions does not change the reality that the people in these emails are contributing to a worldwide crisis of crimes against humanity.

The post Catholic Charities and Obama Foundation Affiliate Colluding with City of Chicago on Replacement Migration appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.