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'Hypocrisy is so thick': Onlookers slam Vivek Ramaswamy for calling Democrats 'juvenile'


Vivek Ramaswamy, a former GOP presidential candidate and current ally to Donald Trump, was hit with allegations of hypocrisy after his latest attempt to play defense for Trump and his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance.

Vance himself addressed the comments on social media, as well, leading one GOP strategist to say that, "Sarah Palin didn’t collapse this badly this fast."

Ramaswamy made his own attempt late on Sunday.

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"This whole 'they’re weird' argument from the Democrats is dumb & juvenile," Ramaswamy said. "This is a presidential election, not a high school prom queen contest."

He then continued, "It’s also a tad ironic coming from the party that preaches 'diversity & inclusion.' Win on policy if you can, but cut the crap please."

The negative reactions came fast.


David Hogg said, "Dumb and f------ juvenile? Trump literally jokes about the size of his d--- on national TV. Also if you gotta say your aren’t weird- I got bad news for ya."

Conservative Army Iraq War Veteran Peter Henlein also chimed in on Sunday: "The hypocrisy is so thick you could almost drown in it."

Former prosecutor Ron Filipkowski said, "A finalist for Weirdo Hall of Fame checks in."

@PatriotTakes quoted Ramaswamy in 2021 saying of the term "people of color," "It sounds like a weird cult and it wrongly combines hundreds of different races into one."