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What actually happens during and after the P-shot procedure?

You are here:HomeMale Sexual HealthErectile DysfunctionWhat actually happens during and…Dec252022Erectile DysfunctionMale Sexual HealthP-shot, also called Priapus Shot is a medication free procedure used to treat erectile dysfunction. As an added beneficial effect, the procedure may add an inch of length and a fraction of an inch girth to your penis. P-shot is not just for men with erectile dysfunction. If you are suffering from softened erections, which is quite natural with age, unable to enjoy the intimate pleasure while having sex with your partner or taking a very long time recovering for another episode of intimacy/sex, we advise you to go for a P-shot without any hesitation.What happens during a P-shot?When you see your sexologist/andrologist for a P-shot, you will be made to sit/lie on a table. Your penis will be applied with numbing cream/lotion. Few millilitres of blood will be drawn from your vein into a syringe or a collection tube. The blood will then be transferred into t...