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7 steps to surviving an apocalypse (according to science!) - National Geographic Kids

It’s the end of the world. What canyou do to survive?We spoke toan astrobiologist about the survival science needed to keep you alive, should you find yourself facing the end of the world, or worse, a herd ofzombies…Okay… so it’s unlikely to happen, but it’s a fun way to picture all the different skills we’d need to survive.Where would you go? What would you take with you? Would you have the skills needed to rebuild civilisation?These are the questions Dr Lewis Dartnell, an astrobiologist (someone who studies how life can survive in different environments) will be answering at this year’s Big Bang Fair, whichencourages young people to learn about science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).Check out his top tips on how to survive should you find yourself facing the end of the world…“Imagine you found yourself in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, how do you keep yourself alive? Well, there are loads of everyday objects that could help you in an emergency situation.“A fire alarm for ex...