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25 Best Free Web Crawler Tools

Are you looking for tools to improve your SEO ranking, exposure, and conversions? To do so, you need a web crawler tool. A web crawler is a computer program that scans the Internet. Web spiders, web data extraction software, and website scraping programs are examples of Internet web crawling technologies. It’s also known as a spider bot or a spider. Today, we’ll look at some free web crawler tools to download.Table of Contents25 Best Free Web Crawler Tools1. Open Search Server2. Spinn3r3. Import.io4. BUbiNG5. GNU Wget6. Webhose.io7. Norconex8. Dexi.io9. Zyte10. Apache Nutch11. VisualScraper12. WebSphinx13. OutWit Hub14. Scrapy15. Mozenda16. Cyotek Webcopy17. Common Crawl18. Semrush19. Sitechecker.pro20. Webharvy21. NetSpeak Spider22. UiPath23. Helium Scraper24. 80Legs25. ParseHubWeb crawler tools provide a wealth of information for data mining and analysis. Its primary purpose is to index web pages on the Internet. It can detect broken links, duplicate content, and missing page titles...