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My boss grabs my bum and tries to kiss me at work but there is nothing going on


DEAR DEIDRE: I AM scared I will lose my job if I complain about my boss.

He is always trying to kiss me and grab my bum.

He whispers to me in front of people which makes me really uncomfortable.

I am a 28-year-old female. I work in a busy travel agency.

I feel like my colleagues will think something is going on between us, which it definitely is not.

He is 42 and has a girlfriend but I don’t like him in that way.

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What makes it worse is that I am good friends with him, which makes it harder to say something.

The latest example of his behaviour is when I went to go through a doorway.

He sidled up to me and made it difficult to move.

I didn’t know what to say and just froze on the spot.

I want him to stop being inappropriate with me.

It is really getting me down and I am struggling to stay focused on my work when he is around. What can I do?



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DEIDRE SAYS: Whether he is a friend or not, this is sexual harassment.

He is taking advantage of his friendship and more senior position to intimidate you.

If he does it again, tell him coldly and loudly: “Please don’t touch me, it makes me feel uncomfortable.”

If you have a HR department, talk to them about your concerns which they should take seriously.

My support pack Standing Up For Yourself will help you. ACAS can give you the expert advice that you need (, 0300 123 1100).