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How to Become an Owner-operator - DAT

If you’re interested in a career on the road, becoming an owner-operator can have major benefits. It offers the freedom to manage your own load matches and independence in your trucking career. But operating your vehicle independently also comes with plenty of responsibilities — from taking care of taxes to dispatching to meeting registration deadlines and more. However, as long as you stay on top of your backend responsibilities, you can have a stable career as an owner-operator that keeps growing for years to come. Let’s take a look at what makes an owner-operator — and what you should expect if you’re considering becoming one. There are plenty of costs and benefits associated with any new career, and it’s important to understand what steps you’ll need to take for success before you get started.What is an owner-operator?The term “owner-operator” doesn’t just refer to truckers — there are all kinds of owner-operators across many different industries. The common thread is that all type...