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What Happens When Schools Stop Using ST Math?

By Jessica Guise At MIND, we take great pride in our accountability with continuous research. As a result, we can share how effective ST Math is—and how critical it is to student math achievement—by demonstrating repeatable results at scale. But despite the proven success of ST Math, districts and schools may decide to stop using it.There is no denying the significant improvement in grade-level performance when schools and districts implement ST Math in classrooms. The question is, would math scores drop when students stop using ST Math?The answer: a resounding YES. (see chart below)526 schools in 19 states* and the District of Columbia (grades 3, 4, and 5) used ST Math at least one year from 2005/06 through 2017/18. All stopped using before 2019/20 (missing data due to the Covid-19 pandemic)Districts rarely remove a digital math component without replacing it with a competitor product. Any product adds its own average effect size—its own scale score points—to student scores, depending...