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How to Get Rid of Those Stinky Stink Bugs

It's almost stink bug season. As winter comes to an end, stink bugs are making their move. After a much needed winter hibernation, stink bugs are becoming quite active again in March and April, so you should expect to see them everywhere. These not-so-cuddly creatures mean us no harm, but can be a nuisance in your home. This blog will take you through some of the best and worst ways to handle these stinky pests. What Kind of Bug Are We Dealing with? There are around 60 species of stink bugs in Georgia. The most common found in our area is the brown marmorated stink bug, known for the brown marbling pattern on its back. Why Do They Stink When I Squash Them? The stink bug has a gland in its thorax that produces a liquid with an unpleasant smell. Whenever a stink bug feels threatened it can release this liquid as a defense mechanism. Proper disposal of stink bugs will keep your house bug free and your nose stink free. What's the Best Way to Get Them Out of My House?Are stink bugs always h...