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Strengthening USA-Indonesia Ties: How Prabowo Administration Can Adapt To Kamala Harris’ Potential Presidency – Analysis


The potential USA presidency of Kamala Harris is expected to bring continuity in key areas of cooperation and significant shifts in the strategic climate towards sustainable development and human rights in USA-Indonesia (USA-RI) relations. The Prabowo Administration should strategically align its policies to anticipate these changes, ensuring strengthened bilateral ties and mutual benefits.

The relationship between the United States and Indonesia has historically been multifaceted, encompassing economic cooperation, defense and security collaboration, environmental initiatives, and the promotion of human rights and democratic governance. As the term of the Biden Administration nears its end, it becomes crucial to assess the trajectory of USA-RI relations under a possible presidency of Kamala Harris and how President Prabowo should navigate these changes.

This analysis delves into the current state of USA-RI relations, explores potential shifts under Kamala Harris, and provides strategic recommendations for the Prabowo Administration to foster a resilient and adaptive bilateral partnership.

The Biden Administration has placed significant emphasis on strengthening economic ties with Indonesia. Trade agreements have played a pivotal role, with the United States being one of Indonesia's largest trading partners. Key sectors, such as technology, energy, and manufacturing, have experienced substantial investments that have fostered economic growth and job creation in both countries.

Furthermore, the Biden Administration has championed sustainable development by supporting initiatives that align with Indonesia's economic and environmental goals. Defense and security cooperation between the USA and Indonesia have been robust under Biden's leadership. Joint military exercises and training programs have enhanced the capabilities of the Indonesian military, promoting regional stability.

Counterterrorism efforts have been a critical component, with both nations collaborating to combat extremist threats in Southeast Asia. This partnership has reinforced Indonesia's role as a key player in regional security architecture. Climate change and environmental policies have also been a cornerstone of the Biden Administration's approach toward Indonesia. Joint initiatives focusing on renewable energy sustainability and conservation have been launched, addressing the urgent issue of climate change. Support for deforestation-free sourcing has been particularly consequential, aiding Indonesia's efforts to protect its rich biodiversity while promoting sustainable agriculture and forestry practices.

Human rights and democracy promotion have continued to be a top priority for the Biden Administration. The United States has consistently advocated for human rights, offering support to democratic institutions and civil society in Indonesia. This approach has assisted Indonesia in strengthening democratic processes and fostering social stability, which are essential for long-term development. 

With the potential assumption of the presidency by Kamala Harris, the future trajectory of U.S.-Indonesia relations is anticipated to evolve in alignment with her administration's priorities and vision. Economic cooperation is expected to persist but with a heightened emphasis on sustainable development and green investments. Harris's administration is likely to prioritize new trade agreements that emphasize environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and inclusive economic growth. This shift aligns with global trends favoring the green economy and presents Indonesia with opportunities to attract investments in renewable energy-friendly technologies and sustainable infrastructure.

Defense and security cooperation under Harris are expected to maintain a strong focus on regional stability and maritime security. The South China Sea remains a contentious area, and Indonesia's strategic location renders it a crucial partner in upholding freedom of navigation and regional peace. Harris's administration may seek to expand collaborations with the Indonesian military, strengthening naval capabilities and bolstering efforts to address security challenges in the Indo-Pacific region.

Climate change and environmental policies are anticipated to receive even greater prominence under Harris. Her administration is likely to reinforce commitments to climate action, supporting initiatives that mitigate the impacts of climate change and promote environmental resilience. New environmental programs centered around clean energy projects, sustainable agriculture, and conservation are anticipated to be introduced. Indonesia, with its vast natural resources and unique biodiversity, stands to benefit significantly from such collaborations, fostering sustainable environmental development and stewardship.

Human rights and democracy promotion are likely to remain a continued, if not intensified, focus under Harris. Her administration may adopt a more proactive stance on human rights issues, advocating for the protection of civil liberties and social justice. Support for civil society organizations and democratic processes in Indonesia is expected to remain robust, assisting in the consolidation of democratic achievements and the promotion of political stability.

The Prabowo Administration must strategically anticipate and adapt to the potential changes that may arise in USA-RI relations under the presidency of Kamala Harris. From an economic perspective, Indonesia should concentrate on diversifying its trade partnerships and attracting sustainable investments. By leveraging its abundant natural resources and advantageous geographic location, Indonesia can position itself as a center for green technologies and renewable energy projects. Strengthening economic resilience through diversification will also aid in mitigating the associated risks tied to global fluctuations.

In terms of defense and security, the Prabowo Administration should prioritize enhancing military readiness and fostering regional cooperation. By strengthening maritime capabilities and engaging in joint exercises, Indonesia can bolster its role in regional security frameworks. Furthermore, continued collaboration on counterterrorism will be crucial in addressing evolving security threats and maintaining stability.

Environmental and climate policies should be a top priority for Indonesia, aligning with global climate goals and focusing on sustainability as anticipated by Harris. Expanding sustainable agriculture and forestry practices, promoting renewable energy, and participating in international environmental initiatives will enhance Indonesia's environmental credentials. By showcasing leadership in climate action, Indonesia can attract international support and investments, furthering its sustainable development objectives.

Human rights and governance should remain central to Indonesia's domestic and international policies. Promoting human rights, social justice, and democratic values will strengthen Indonesia's democratic fabric and improve its international reputation. Engaging civil society, protecting minority rights, and ensuring transparency and accountability in governance, will foster social cohesion and political stability.


To effectively navigate the anticipated shifts under Kamala Harris's presidency, the Prabowo Administration should establish a dedicated task force comprising experts in international relations, economics, defense policy, environmental issues, and human rights. This task force should monitor and analyze the evolving dynamics of USA-RI relations, providing strategic insights and actionable recommendations. This will ensure that Indonesia remains agile and responsive to new opportunities and challenges. Additionally, fostering stronger diplomatic channels and regular high-level dialogues with the United States will be crucial in maintaining a proactive and collaborative bilateral relationship.

In comparison, the Biden Administration has implemented policies that have established a strong foundation for the relationship between the United States and the Republic of Indonesia (USA-RI). These policies prioritize areas such as economic cooperation, defense and security, climate action, and human rights. It is expected that should Kamala Harris assume the presidency, these foundations will be further built upon, with an increased emphasis on sustainable development, investments in environmentally friendly initiatives, and proactive advocacy for human rights. The continuities in defense and security cooperation will contribute to ongoing regional stability, while the implementation of more robust climate and environmental initiatives will address urgent global challenges.

To conclude, the future of USA-RI relations under Kamala Harris's potential presidency offers significant potential for enhanced cooperation in key areas. The Prabowo Administration must strategically align its policies to anticipate these anticipated changes, ensuring that Indonesia remains an indispensable partner to the United States. By prioritizing sustainable development, regional security, climate action, and human rights, Indonesia can adeptly navigate the fluid geopolitical landscape and foster a resilient and mutually advantageous partnership with the USA.

The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own.


  • "Biden Administration and Indonesia: Economic and Security Relations." Council on Foreign Relations, 2022.
  • "Climate Change and Environmental Policies in US-Indonesia Relations." World Resources Institute, 2023.
  • "Defense Cooperation Between the United States and Indonesia." RAND Corporation, 2021.
  • "Human Rights and Democracy Promotion in US Foreign Policy." Freedom House, 2022.
  • "Kamala Harris's Vision for US Foreign Policy." Brookings Institution, 2024.