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Here’s How to Break Up the Squad, St. Louis. Vote Against Cori Bush.


Readers know I am a Republican conservative. At age 70, I concede that I never voted Republicannot even once — until the 1972 presidential election. That was when George McGovern was the Democrat standard-bearer. (It also was the first time I was old enough to be eligible to vote.) Ever since then, GOP. There would have been an exception here or there if circumstances had allowed. If I had lived in Washington State, I would have voted for Sen. Henry Jackson. But that is all theoretical. What matters right now is the Aug. 6 Democrat primary in St. Louis.

And — plain and simple — if I lived in St. Louis, I would ask for the Democrat primary ballot just so I can vote on Aug. 6 to be rid of Cori Bush.

It is not only about her rabid anti-Semitism and hate for Israel. Rather, even the St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial board has excoriated Cori, pleading that St. Louis voters kick her out this coming Tuesday: “For the past four years, the district has been in the hands of U.S. Rep. Cori Bush, a Democrat who has generally appeared less interested in working [the government] system for the good of her constituents than attacking it on behalf of a small, hard-left klatch of lawmakers — ‘the Squad’ — who are good at getting headlines but bad at actually accomplishing anything,” the board said. The editorial continued, in pertinent part:

Democratic primary voters in the overwhelmingly Democratic [St. Louis] district weren’t offered a viable alternative to Bush two years ago. This year, they have a terrific one. We enthusiastically endorse Wesley Bell for the Democratic nomination to this seat in the Aug. 6 primaries. . . . Bush’s almost immediate induction into the small clique of progressive House rabble-rousers positioned her as a darling of fringe-left activists — and thus irrelevant to what actually happens in Washington.

Even National Black Empowerment Action Fund (NBEAF) opposes Bush on grounds that her insane support for defunding police endangers black communities: “[S]he’s actually one of the most vocal proponents of defunding the police. Everyone in the African American community wants police accountability, but at the same time, we also want to live in safe communities.” Bush also is one of only two in Congress to oppose a ban on Hamas members entering America.

Two months ago, she introduced a bill that would require the federal government to pay $14 Trillion in “reparations” to black Americans.

You in St. Louis have Cori Bush, a rabid “Squad” extremist, in Congress representing you. She needs to be sent back home from D.C. to St. Louis, so she can be nearby the courts to answer any questions that may be asked of her about how she spent over $700,000 of your tax money for “security services.” By coincidence, a bunch of your tax dollars went to a particular security guard, Cortney Merritt, whom she married after he was enriched. She paid him $60,000 in 2022 for security services even though he was not licensed to provide private security in St. Louis. She paid him another $42,500 in 2023. By the end of 2023, Bush had paid Merritt over $122,500. They married in 2023. In all, she spent over $700,000 of public money for her security while leading the charge to defund the police, collapsing your security.

Cori Bush also hates Israel and is deeply despised by the St. Louis Jewish community. Par for the course, as “Squad” extremists go. She agitates for “BDS” — to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel. She lies and calls Israel “apartheid.” Attacks Israel every chance she gets.

But you don’t have to be Jewish to despise Cori Bush and to want her out of Congress representing St. Louis. Again, she supports defunding the police. How’s that for your family safety? She was in the middle of Black Lives Matter, which we now all know is a vicious hate group who even praised the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre. She was one of nine “progressive” Democrats who refused to vote in favor of a House resolution declaring that Israel is not racist or apartheid, and that “the United States will always be a staunch partner and supporter of Israel.”

My dear St. Louis Republicans, here is the anomaly: In American electoral politics, many congressional districts are competitive in November, but many others — like your Missouri District 1 — are decided in the summer during primaries. Sometimes, a district like yours is so overwhelmingly Democrat that, no matter who is on the Democrat and Republican ballots in November, the Democrat will win. That is what keeps a few very extreme crazies in office. They would be beaten easily in a November election if people would vote by the person, not the party. But where they vote in November for the party, no matter who is running, it all comes down to who wins the spring or summer primary, thus ensuring them the November election.

That is why so many New Yorkers made it their business to defeat “Squad” wild man Jamaal Bowman a few weeks ago. Now he is out, the first “Squad” member ever primaried out. The winner of that Democrat primary will win in November.

Why do bad crazies sometimes win summer primaries if they otherwise would be beaten so easily in November? Because most people — the vast majority of the voting population — who vote in November do not bother to vote in the summer primaries even though it is the Aug. 6 St. Louis primary — and not the Nov. 5 general election — that will decide your district’s Congressional seat.

Here is food for thought:

In the Democrat primary of Aug. 2, 2022, for the 1st Congressional District in Missouri, Cori Bush got 65,326 votes. Her opponents got an aggregate of just under 29,000. But in the November general election, so many more St. Louis Democrats came out just to vote their party line, regardless of who the party candidate was. Cori Bush got 160,999 while her Republican opponent, Andrew Jones, Jr., predictably got trounced with 53,767 and Libertarian George Zsidisin got 6,192.

Think about those numbers: Only 95,000 voted in the August Democrat primary, while 161,000 Democrats voted the party line in November. The Republican and Libertarian never had a chance, but those 53,767 November Republican voters could have trounced her if they also had voted in the August 2022 Democrat primary. Get it? The vote that mattered in Missouri Congressional District 1 was the primary in August. She easily could have been trounced if only the voters who would be casting ballots in November also had bothered to kick her out in August.

This Aug. 6, voters in the Missouri District 1 Democrat primary have a much better alternative to Cori Bush. Wesley Bell is a dignified, honest, man. He has been a professor of criminology, was a municipal court judge, and of course a prosecutor. He most assuredly is not aligned on all issues with lifelong conservatives like you and me, but he is the only conceivable option in a choice with Cori Bush. We can knock her out, our second “Squad” eviction this season.

Although I am a lifelong registered Republican, if I lived in St. Louis I would ask for the Democrat ballot — not the Republican — so that I could vote in the Aug. 6 St. Louis Democrat primary. November will take care of itself, and I would (and you could) vote Republican in November anyway. But I would understand that right now it is my obligation as a normal person to vote in the Aug. 6 Democrat primary. This is a moment in time, and the purpose could not be more clear.  It is an imperative for every St. Louis Republican to go out to vote at the Aug. 6 primary and to ask for the Democrat primary ballot — not to waste this critical moment in a Republican primary that, alas, will not matter this time. You have an amazing opportunity to evict Cori Bush exactly as New Yorkers just evicted their own wild “Squad” political lunatic, Jamaal Bowman.

So, please, St. Louis Republicans, vote on Aug. 6 at the primaries, and please ask for the Democrat primary ballot this time. Vote for Wesley Bell — i.e., against Cori Bush.


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The post Here’s How to Break Up the Squad, St. Louis. Vote Against Cori Bush. appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.