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Kamala Harris in Pittsfield for fundraiser event


BERKSHIRE COUNTY, N.Y. (NEWS10) - In Pittsfield, Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee spoke at a fundraising event at the Colonial Theater. The event closed down roads and brought in people from all around the area. 

Pittsfield Police and Secret Service contained the crowd with fences, while those outside the theater hoped to get a view of Vice President Harris while she made a brief appearance in the Berkshires. 

“It would be great to see her but if not, if not here to support her," Charles Sturtevant, a Harris supporter.

Unfortunately for the supporters lined on the streets outside, they were not able to see the vice president, as she arrived by motorcade and entered through the back of the theater. But some supporters remained positive as they said just being outside in support was enough. 

"I'm here to support her. Whether or not I see her. I’m here to support her; she has energized the Democratic Party. We love her and we’re going to see this through and she’s going to win,” said Dana Spies, a Harris supporter.

The event also brought in those who threw their support for Trump into the crowd and chanted his name.

Meanwhile, those with tickets sat in the theater listening to the Vice President praised her supporters.

"The day after I announced my candidacy, we saw the best 24 hours of grassroots fundraising in presidential history," Harris said. "And since then, the battleground states, people have been flooding our offices around the country to volunteer."

Those at the event said Harris spoke for nearly 15 minutes and shared her plans for her presidential campaign, including what she will change in the country such as gun control and reproductive rights. 

"We who believe in reproductive freedom will stop Donald Trump’s extreme abortion plans," Harris said. "Because we trust women to make decisions about their own bodies and not have the government telling them what to do."

Kamala’s words left some at the event with optimism for the future. 

"She’s got momentum," Karen Carlberg, a Harris supporter said. "She said it’s going to be hard work. It’s going to be a fight but that we can do this together. We can. It was amazing. It was truly amazing."

"She said that she was going to fight her hardest for our country to really beat Donald Trump," Ellie Grimmett, a Harris support said. "Which that was the main message just really working for us to get him not in office again.