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'So disappointing!' Trump fans rebel against him after latest election statement


Donald Trump on Saturday sought to release an endorsement for Missouri's gubernatorial race, but it did not go as planned.

Trump earlier in the day spoke at a Bitcoin conference, where he was accused of employing an "old authoritarian trick." After the event, attendees took to social media to complain about the former president's "rambling" speech that they found "embarrassing."

Next, he headed to a rally in Minnesota. But prior to taking the stage, he took to Truth Social to make an odd governor endorsement.

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"I love the State of Missouri for every reason in the book, including the fact that it is 'loaded up' with truly GREAT people," Trump said. "I also like Endorsing Candidates for Office if I think they’re good, and usually there is a differentiation, usually a big one, where it is not that difficult to do."

He continued:

"But Missouri has three great people running for Governor - Jay Ashcroft, Mike Kehoe, and Bill Eigel. All have had excellent careers, and have been with me from the beginning. They are MAGA and America First all the way! I can’t hurt two of them by Endorsing one so, therefore, I’m going to Endorse, for Governor of the Great State of Missouri, Jay Ashcroft, Mike Kehoe, and Bill Eigel. Choose any one of them - You can’t go wrong!"

Some of Trump's supporters weren't happy with his hedging bets.

@BlueEyesOpen, a user with "America First" and "DARK MAGA" in their bio on Truth Social, begged Trump.

"Please President Trump, they are not all good!" "[Eigel] is the only choice for Missouri! You can't keep doing this to us."

The user then added, "You did it with our senate race endorsing Eric. Remember?"

@mjnorton, also a Trump supporter, chimed in, "There is only [one] choice and that is Bill Eigel!!"

"NOOOOOOOOO!" another pro-Trump account shouted. "China Kehoe and China Ashcroft, along with keeping Dominion machines."

They added, "Bill Eigel is a veteran and a fighter for the people! Ugh. This is SO disappointing."

John Beckett said, "Sorry President Trump. Bill Eigel is the America First MAGA candidate. The other 2 are huge [Republicans in Name Only]."

@Meme24u said, "Not what I expected."

"You did the same with our Senate... and I'm truly disappointed," the user added.

Other users voiced concerns about Trump's V.P. pick, Senator J.D. Vance.

"Um..... your VP doesn't have a Truth Social account. Red flag," wrote @jrw8881.

@Wfan66wfan called recently leaked emails from Vance "disgusting" and said, "this election is over with because of this POS Vance."

"Your only hope is to dump Vance for Rubio or you will be the only person who could possibly lose" to Kamala Harris.