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What does this mean on my bank statement? Deposit-ACH-IRS TREAS 310 IRS TREAS 310 (TAX REF)

bbellNew MemberMark as NewBookmarkSubscribeSubscribe to RSS FeedPermalinkPrintReport Inappropriate Content posted ‎June 4, 201912:12 PMlast updated‎June 04, 201912:12 PM1 22 32,377Reply Bookmark Icon Connect with an expert x Do you have an Intuit account? You'll need to sign in or create an account to connect with an expert. 22 Replies bbellNew MemberMark as NewBookmarkSubscribeSubscribe to RSS FeedPermalinkPrintReport Inappropriate ContentWhat does this mean on my bank statement? Deposit-ACH-IRS TREAS 310 IRS TREAS 310 (TAX REF)thank you! how do you know if its state or federal? ‎June 4, 201912:12 PM 31,586Reply Bookmark Icon Rainman12AlumniMark as NewBookmarkSubscribeSubscribe to RSS FeedPermalinkPrintReport Inappropriate ContentWhat does this mean on my bank statement? Deposit-ACH-IRS TREAS 310 IRS TREAS 310 (TAX REF)IRS = Federal. ‎June 4, 201912:12 PM 31,586Reply Bookmark Icon nlealofiNew MemberMark as NewBookmarkSubscribeSubscribe to RSS FeedPermalinkPrintReport Inappropriate Con...