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How to Buy UPC Codes for Amazon in 2024

Share:content_copyBefore you can create a listing for your new product on Amazon, there’s one crucial step you need to take care of — purchasing a UPC.While it may sound a little intimidating to a new seller, the process is relatively simple.In this article, we’ll go over what a UPC is, why you need one, and where to purchase one that’s compliant with Amazon’s Terms of Service.What is a UPC?Do you need a UPC to sell products on Amazon?How to list a product on Amazon without a UPCWhere to buy a UPC for AmazonWhat is a UPC?UPC stands for Universal Product Code and is the barcode used to identify a particular retail product. When you look at nearly any product you purchase from a store, it will have a scannable barcode on the packaging. The unique 12-digit number underneath the barcode is the UPC.When that barcode is scanned or entered into a search engine such as Amazon, the product connected to that code will appear in the store’s system or the Amazon search results.Do you need a UPC to...